A Need For Escape

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Technoblade just needed to get out of the house for a bit. A quick joyride out on the town sounded nice. It was nearing 7pm and the streets were mostly clear, perfect time for driving.

He drove around smoothly, sticking his head out of the window with a grin. He didn't know exactly when he had caught the racing bug, but that didn't matter. He loved racing more than life itself.

As he drove out towards the open road, images flashed in his brain. His hands trembled and he slammed on the breaks, feeling like he had to vomit. Sweat dripped down his face as he rested his head on the wheel.

He was shaking, he couldn't stop shaking as he couldn't stop remembering. The metal stabbing into him, cutting into both of them. The scars on his arms and chest burned as he opened the door and vomited. Damnit why... He pulled out his phone, texting the one person who would be able to understand.

hey phil i need a favor

yeah mate?

tell tommy im sorry but i needed to get out of the house
i'll be back in a few days
also make sure to feed floof
i don't want to deal with a dead dog as well as tommy

but tommy was really looking forward to this
are you sure bailing is the best idea?

phil i wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't bad
i just need some time out

but im not helping you when tommy and tubbo try to murder you

thank you


Ranboo walked down the school halls towards his locker. He was going to work, Sam was out on a house call so Ponk would be teaching him some of the more cosmetic things of taking care of cars.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo cheered, "You heard? Tommy's racing! I'm his co-pilot!" Ranboo nodded excitedly.

"Yup! Sam said that I can help take care of your guys' car!" Tubbo grinned excitedly, following after Ranboo as he continued to walk to his locker.

"What!? That's awesome! Hey hey, do you think you can convince Ponk to pain little bees on the hood? If tommy get's his stripes, I get my bees."

"I'll see what I can do." Ranboo chuckled as he fiddled with the lock. He grabbed his books and papers from the locker, a few of them falling out. Tubbo helped pick up the loose papers.

"What're these?" He asked, curious. Ranboo shrugged.

"Some of them are just sketches of cars. It, uh, it helps me when I can draw what's going on. And these are just some cool cars with like, fun designs on them. I like helping Ponk with the buffing and the paint jobs." Tubbo nodded, grinning more.

"That's awesome as hell dude! Do you think you could do one of our car?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo nodded.

"Yeah, never got a chance to draw one of those old Pontiacs." He said, putting his papers in the bag. "They're really really cool, it sucks that that style was discontinued." Ranboo shrunk down a bit, pulling his hair in front of his eyes. "Sorry I'm rambling, I ramble sorry."

"You don't need to apologize, Ranboo!" Tubbo said, trotting after him. "I like listening to you ramble, I like listening to people talk, it's nice." Ranboo smiled and nodded.

"Thanks." He said, pushing his hair out of his face, "Where's Tommy? He's normally with you."

"I don't know actually... Weird. Hold on I'll text him he doesn't normally do this. He's clingy as hell, but you know that." Tubbo mumbled, taking out his phone and typing rapidly.

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