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Listening to every single word ardo said, I knew he was right. I was a fucking idiot. Ardo never steps past the barrier unless he knows he is right.
"Get me a fucking drink, I am going to need it" ardo put a drink on the bar. Picking it up I sculled it. "right. time to fix this shit" "need back up?" "No".
Walking out the door, I got in my car and drove straight to Carlisles.
Getting out, I didn't even bother knocking on their front door, just walked in.
"Emil?" "Amelia long time" "it has been. I guess you are wanting to see carlisle" "yep" "oh I can see this is not good. I will go get him" "probably best if.." "oh no, If he has done something, he is in trouble" I internally grinned as Amelia walked off. She has balls that's for sure.

"Emil" "Carlisle lets chat" "this is about Vic?" "Yep and I don't care what you say he is not out" "are you serious?, Malena took a bullet for him. I am doing what's right to protect your daughter" "what?. Is malena okay?" "Malena is fine Amelia she got shot in the stomach but healing well" "you can't let him back in" "well that's the way it's going to be. I have high respect for Vic. he saved my daughter's life when she tried to off herself. not only that he spent two and a half months in a strict routine with her to help her heal. He even did running and meditation for fuck sake. He also comforted her every time she had a night mare. He helped my daughter, my only fucking daughter that I had no contact with for twelve years because of Brett.." "she will come back with out him" I shook my head "no that's where you are wrong. She won't come back unless he does and let me tell you why. Not only did he save her and help her, she returned the favor in both cases. But that's not all. they like each other, they fell for each other and are now together. She will stand by his side like he will hers and I will stand by them. He is a good man that I know will look out for her and she will do the same in return. Now my decision stands. I know we have been mates for years and partners but my daughter's happiness and the men's happiness means a fucking lot to me. I will not destroy my relationship with Malena over some bullshit. Yes I know you are pissed she jumped in front of a bullet. hell I'm her father, I was too but she did it because she doesn't want to live without him. I would've done the same for vera if I could've" Carlisle put his head down then looked at me with a slight nod while Amelia grinned "she found happiness?" "Yes and he has too. I never expected any of them to but they are suited" "alright I understand. But how do we get them back?" "That I don't know but I have a feeling I know who she will speak to" "ardo?" I nodded "yeah she has high respect for him like he does her" "okay But tell me, what are you going to do about Jax?" "Not my problem. It's her life and if she likes Vic then I will support her. He will just have to live with it" Carlisle nodded "alright" "sorry for yelling in your house Amelia" she Chuckled "it's fine but I want to see Malena one day" I grinned "I will let her know".


Hmm ardo is calling.
"Ardo" "Vic can I speak with Malena?" "one minute". "Malena ardo wants to speak to you" seeing Malena nod I spoke
"Yeah here" giving Malena the phone the guys shook their heads some with grins. "ardo" "tell me ardo.." "thanks ardo" "well I can't fix that" "you are going to go against my dad?" I grinned just hearing her talk "hmm okay ardo I will let you do that but I'm not happy with his decision" "okay well let us know" "bye ardo".
"Interesting" "I will let ardo deal with it" "deal with what?" "Us not being there" "Carlisle won't go for it" "too bad I bet dad will" seeing the grin on Alex's face I knew a smart ass comment was coming. "daddy's princess" "now I regret saving your ass when I kicked your feet out from under you" Alex laughed "when did this happen?" "At the gym. Both times I went there" "I couldn't hurt a girl" "that's your excuse?" I chuckled "you scare him" "I'd hate to be on the other end of her too. I have seen her in training".
Hearing a knock at the door, I shook my head "I will be back" "alright man we'll bash her in the mean time" I chuckled "good luck".

"Elias" "Vic can I come in?" "Yeah.."
"What brings you here Elias?" "Look I know my dad is pissed off but I don't agree with him. I tried to talk to him but he won't have a Barr of it" "not my problem now, Im out. It doesn't bother me. Boss didn't tell me personally but when Malena got angry and reopened her wound that pissed me off, it told me something was up. When she told me I was out I didn't care as I have her by my side and by the looks of it the ten other guys too" Elias nodded "yeah I know but Im not going back until you two do either. I can't go against Malena" I smirked "why is that Elias?" "She is family" I nodded "well come through. we are all in the pool room".

"Look who came to Join us" "Elias" "guys" "drink?" "Yeah sure".
"Never thought I'd see the day Elias went against his father" I smirked at cam "yeah well he is wrong and I won't stand for it" "good to know".
"Here Elias" "thanks" taking a seat next to Malena I put my arm around her back "feeling alright?" "Yeah.." "what's wrong?" "Pain is kicking in I guess" "why didn't you tell me?" "I will be alright" "nah. Come on" standing up, I grabbed her hand. "Off for a quickie" "fuck off cam" cam laughed.

"He is a shit stirrer but good fun" "yeah he is and it's good to see you two getting along" "was there any doubt?" "a little. cam doesn't get along with everyone" "well I'm not everyone" "no you definitely aren't".
Grabbing some pain killers out of the cupboard, I handed them to Malena "thanks" "I'd slap you up the side of the head but I know hard you can hit back" Malena smirked "it's not because you care, its just because you are scared" "you know the answer to that" "yeah your scared" as soon as Malena washed down her tablets, I pulled her towards me "it seems you are wrong" "nah.." slamming my lips on hers Malena instantly responded. "Really guys you couldn't wait" pulling away from her lips, Malena looked straight at Alex "no" "fair enough" I chuckled.
"What brings you out here?" "I was seeing if anything was wrong" "this one here needed some more painkillers" "how is the wound?" "Better now that Vic closed it again" "surprised you didn't do it yourself" "It's not as easy to see as my leg" "fair point. Are you guys coming back in?" "Yep".
"Id throw you over my shoulder but I can't. You are lucky you are injured" Malena and I laughed "I guess there's more than one good side to it" "more than one?" "Yeah Vic is still alive" I just shook my head "we could've lived with out him" slapping Alex across the back of the head malena Chuckled "I knew that was coming. Should watch your surroundings".

"Hey princess" "I told you, you shouldn't call Jess that" "why pick on me for?" "Because i can" "nah I was talking about you, needing pain killers. pfft anyone would think you have just been shot" Malena Chuckled while I smirked "yeah I know I should toughen up a bit huh" "no thanks" I grinned "who is the scared one?" "I wouldn't hurt him.. too bad" I love how these two get along and it makes it even better that Alex likes her too. Sitting down Malena sat next to me and I pulled her close. "You two are together?" "Took you long enough Elias" I internally grinned "yes" seeing a small grin on Elias's face he nodded "I'm happy for you and now I know why you took a bullet for him" "she shouldn't of but what's done is done" getting a slight nudge from Malena I grinned "we nudging each other now?" "No you haven't done it back" I couldn't help but laugh. "What did we miss?" "Just talking about your ugly head" "like you can talk Blondie top" "your just jealous cam. we all know that" "of what?" "That I have more balls than you".

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