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I got the shock of my life when I seen Vic down on one knee. I never thought I'd ever get married or have a child on the way and now Serna had just bought me a brand new car. I am overwhelmed with emotions right now as I am watching the truck driver roll my new car off the back. Walking over to the car, I couldn't believe it. My last car was damaged but it still served me well now I have a brand new car. Opening the door, I moved to sit inside of the car. This is just gorgeous. "Lift your cup holder" lifting it up there were two very small buttons "the first one near your console" pressing the button the passenger seat lifted and my eyes widened "oh my god" Serna grinned "it's yours to use how you wish" "Serna this is.. this is.." "I know but I want you to have it" tears pooled my eyes. That gun is the one he loves the most. he always told me he could never let it go, it means a lot to him. Right now all I wanted to do was hug him. Pressing the second button the seat closed again. "Well start her up" I shook my head and got out of the car wrapping my arms around Serna "Serna this is all too much you told me you would never let that go" "you mean everything to me Malena. You may not be my daughter.." "I am your daughter" Serna tightened his hold on me "yeah you are and I am thankful you came into my life" "and you mine. I can never thank you enough" "yes you can by staying alive. You have come this far and got over so many mountains, now it's time for you to enjoy being happy" I nodded as he held me tight. "Now start this girl up and take her for a drive" I grinned as I stepped back "I hope you two are coming?" "We definitely are" I grinned and got in the car. Vic sat in the front while Serna got in the back. Driving around the city, this car is a dream. Luxury car with power. everything I need and I know it's safe for all of us. Getting back to the pond, I parked the car beside sernas.
"What do you say, we go to the den?" "You are sticking around?" "Until tomorrow" Vic and I grinned "that sounds good" "I will meet you there" "okay".

"Well I never expected this, he only mentioned he'd come. I had waited for today because I wanted Serna there. I know he means the world to you" "he does I can't thank him enough for everything he has done for me. How did I end up with all this? Friends, fiance, family and now a brand you car so our little one will be safe" "because you deserve it" I grinned "thank you Vic for everything" "always".

Arriving at the den, we waited for Serna then got out.
"Well shit look at that" I grinned as Jess came out "she is gorgeous" "a car is not gorgeous" "this one is" Vic chuckled.
Seeing Serna get out of his car, Jess grinned "Serna" "Jess how are you?" "Doing well and you?" "Better now" I smiled at Serna "you bought the car for Malena?" "I did, I want my daughter to be safe" Jess's eyes went wide. my guess is he is worried about what dad will think, not my problem.
Entering the den, seeing Alex and Drake, I grinned "hey guys" "Malena" Alex wrapped his arms around me and I whispered to him "looks like you are stuck with me now" "I was anyway" I chuckled "wait" Alex pulled away looking at my hand then at Vic and Serna "Vic and Serna" Vic had a cheeky grin on his face "Alex" "you didn't even tell me" "you know now" I chuckled "congratulations both of you" "thanks Alex" "thank you".
Taking my usual seat Vic came to sit next to me, Jess, drake, Alex and Serna joining us.
"Cam get your butt over here" "anything you say your highness" I smirked "that's it, I'm not telling you shit" "what. Nah you need to fill me in" "Vic proposed to her today" "what, why the fuck didn't you tell me.. best mate and all" "she needed to know first" "nah actually Emil and Serna did".
Zoning out their conversation Serna spoke to me. "I was thrilled he asked me if he could marry you and to be here the day he proposed. He is a really good man Malena" "he definitely is, I just can't believe everything that has happened" Serna put his arm over my shoulder and whispered in my ear "I have one more surprise for you" looking at Serna he grinned then pulled out his phone.
"Look at this" Serna passed me his phone. Looking at the house, It was really nice. four bed, two bath, with a large shed enough to fit eight cars at least on a hectare "this is great Serna" he grinned "did you see the address?" Looking at the screen my eyes went wide. "You are.. you are moving here?" "I can't be away from you Malena" basically jumping on Serna he held me tight "I guess you are happy" "ecstatic".
"Hi everyone" pulling away from Serna I looked at my dad "hi dad" ""what's happening over here?" Vic grinned "she said yes" dad's smile only got bigger "congratulations to both of you" "thanks Emil" "thanks dad" "and serna good to see you again" "you too Emil, I couldn't miss today" "Vic spoke with you I am guessing" "I sure did" "whose car is out the front?" "That is malenas, I bought it for her. I want to know the baby and her are safe" "well that other car can go to scrap" "not yet it can't" "need to empty it huh?" "Yep I'm not losing all that" everyone laughed "fair enough".
Serna passed his phone to Vic. Seeing Vic look at Serna, he had a massive grin on his face "welcome" I chuckled as Serna put his arm over my shoulders "so when are you moving?" Serna grinned "yesterday" I looked at him wide eyed "you already moved in?" "I sure did. When you are ready Id love to have you both over" "yesterday" Serna laughed "I knew you'd say that. Whenever you want, my door is open even if I am not home" I grinned.
Seeing ardo look our way, I got up from the table and walked around the bar.
"Ardo" "and why are you behind my bar?" "Well I can't hug you from the other side" "now you do have a point there" giving ardo a hug I spoke "Vic proposed to me today" ardo pulled away "you should've started with that" I chuckled as ardo grabbed my hand looking at the ring "it's perfect for you. I am ecstatic for both of you" "thanks ardo" "as am I and now you are sitting down, give your dad a hug" I grinned and wrapped my arms around dad "thanks dad".
Looking at Vic and the guys when Vic's eyes met mine, I could see the love in his dark eyes from here.
Vic stood up, moved this way and came behind the bar putting his arms around me "only hugs behind here, out you get" I chuckled as ardo put his hand out shaking Vic's "congratulations Vic, you have a good woman here" "I agree" I internally grinned.
"Out you get" "can you get this one a bourbon, I'm driving anyway" "Im alright" I nodded.
Getting out from behind the bar Vic held my hand the entire way then pulled me close "how are you feeling? Not tired? Not unwell?" "No I'm feeling fine but you may not be after I tell you something" I smirked as Vic had a worried look in his eyes. "Just spit it out" "so an amount of six thousand may have been transferred from my account today" Vic smirked "guess who is in really big trouble" "I like trouble" he chuckled "when did you do that?" "Hmm couldn't tell you it just happened. I got a notification on my phone notifying me of the purchase" "you are very sneaky you know that?" "Yep".
"Don't hog her" I grinned as I seen Jess come up "I can hog her as much as I want" "now now you two" the guys laughed.
Getting picked up bridal style, I looked at who was carrying me and laughed as Alex just took me straight back to the table.
"Is this your way of carrying me from now on?" "Yep" I shook my head as Alex put me down. "He found a way" "he sure did" Serna grinned "you have a very close knit family here" "it's nearly complete we are one person off but for now I am happy to have everyone here" Serna smiled "there's people missing" I nodded.

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