Chapter Twelve: Act Two

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I was able to push through my worries and go on for Act Two. Then I found out that Ricky almost stepped down too, but after an uncomfortable conversation with his mom, he decided to go back on.

"Come on, let's go." Gina said her Taylor line.

I purse my lips in anticipation as I take a peek at the audience, before accompanying Gina backstage: the seat is still vacant because my mother hasn't returned yet.

"Wow, um! I think we kinda nailed it!" Gina beams.

I nod in agreement, forcing a laugh, "Yeah."

She takes notice of my anxious state, "Wait, what's wrong?"

I wave it off, "I'm just kind of a mess tonight."

Gina nods in agreement, eyes wide, "Trust me, I know the feeling. So, just act like someone who knows what she's doing." She grins.

I finally crack a real smile as my eyes narrow, "Does that really work?"

She shrugs assuredly, "Works for me everywhere I go. It's my greatest trick. Also, sort of my only trick. I saved my best one for tonight: The Disappearing Gina Act."

Gina tried to appear confident, but I could tell she was upset, so, after giving her a tender shoulder squeeze, I brought her into my embrace since I could sense she needed it; she strongly embraced me back.

I walk on stage as Gabriella, "Wow. So this is your real stage."

Ricky, as Troy, shrugs, "I guess you could call it that. Or just a smelly gym."

He hands me the basketball, so I throw it in the net. "Don't tell me you're good at hoops, too?"

Ricky sounds nervous—we both do. Neither of us is at our best.

"I once scored forty-one points at a league championship game." I blurt.

"No way." He awkwardly blurts.

"Uh, yeah. In the same day, I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn." The audience laughs.

Coach Bolton, played by a boy whom I have never properly met, walks on stage, "Miss, I'm sorry. This is a closed practice."

"Dad, practice is over." As Ricky said the Troy line, I snuck a glance at the empty seat next to Damian.

"Uh, no, it's all good. I'll be getting on my way." I blurt, before rushing backstage.

"We can stay and shoot hoops, though, right?" EJ said his Chad line.

After getting a drink of water, Wondering starts. I quickly make my way behind the curtain and offer Ashlyn a smile of encouragement.

Carlos and I applaud Seb, after Bop To The Top ends.

"Seb!" I beam, approaching him after giving them a moment together. "That was everything!" I give him a tender shoulder squeeze.

"Thanks, Bianca!" He grins, bringing me into his embrace.

Finally, it was time for When There Was Me and You. I inhale deeply before stepping onto the stage.

I close my eyes, then start to sing: "It's funny when you find yourself looking from the outside. I'm standing here, but all I want is to be over there. Why did I let myself believe miracles could happen? 'Cause now I have to pretend that I don't really care."

I open my eyes to find Ashlyn, Carlos, and Seb behind the curtain; they are wearing proud and supportive grins.

I start to walk around the stage, like Gabriella in the hall, "I thought you were my fairytale,
my dream when I'm not sleeping, a wish upon a star that's coming true. But everybody else could tell that I confused my feelings with the truth: when there was me and you." I shut my eyes momentarily, relating to the lyrics.

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