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A LITTLE GIRL SKIPPED her clans meeting home halls. her parents were currently in a meeting, she didn't know who they were meeting with, but she was forced to come along.

the little girl stumbled upon a doorway in the hall she was skipping in, it was a open doorway which led to a courtyard. the courtyard was placed in the middle of the meeting place/home.

the girl gasps at the beautiful sight. a big sakura tree, right in the center of the whole courtyard.

the girls eyes traveled up the tree, spotting a mysterious boy.

the boy was pale and had white hair. he was dressed in a black kamino, and had a blindfold over his eyes.

the girl hides from the doorway, only peaking her head out, stalking the boy.

the boy knew.

he knew she was staring at him. he could feel the curious glare the girl was giving him.

the boy looked in the direction the girl was looking at him from.

the girls eyes widen not expecting him to look at her. he had a blindfold on! how?! the girl thought in her head. she dismisses the thought and went to sneak another peak.

but to her surprise he wasn't there anymore.

"huh..?" the girl said aloud.
"boo." a voice said right in her ear.

"AHHH!" the girl jumped and by reflex tried to whack the person. key word, tried. instead the hand that was going to attack the person got stopped by an invisible force, so her hand bounced back and almost hit her. "W-WHAT?!" as the girl stopped her own hand.

the boy looked at the girl amused. he tilted his head, finding the girl interesting.

"who are you?" the boy spoke out. the girl held her hands behind her back as she shot him a glance before turning away.

"why..?" the girl questioned suspiciously.

"because, you're in the yaku clan's meeting home. outsiders usually aren't allowed." the boy pointed out, he leaned toward the girl. "so, who." he leaned more. "are" even more. "you." inches away from her face, he waited for an answer.

the girl turned beet red. "y-you're really close..." the boy smiled.

"i know." as he went and pecked her cheek. the girl gasped.

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎Where stories live. Discover now