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YAKU STARED AT HER phone screen. she just got off the phone with one of the higher ups from jujutsu high. a school for jujutsu sorcerers.

they apparently needed her for something and she needed to come quick. yaku sighed and got off her bed. she packed her things and got ready to head back to her hometown.


yaku called her parents and told them what happened. her parents told her to be careful though, as the person, who yaku found out, name was riku haru. (idk). riku apparently is an obsessive ex of yaku's mom and he wants revenge. lol funny to think that this family won't go down without a fight.

now that yaku is older she can fend for herself now. she has become an unstoppable monster, and we have yet to find out.

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yaku stretches after she got off from the airplane. she grabs her luggage and rolls it behind her. she stops and looks around the familiar place.

yaku smiles and goes to call her best friend. who coincidentally teaches at jujutsu high. "utahime-"
*beep beep beep*

yaku ends the call.

yaku grabs her luggage and head over to a parked taxi. "where to?" the taxi driver says.

yaku arrives at the highschool. she payed the taxi driver and thanked him for the ride. as the driver drove away she just stared at the gate blocking her way to enter.

yaku mentally prepared herself and what was bound to happen. as the gates open for her she enters and gets immediately greeted by her best friend.

"MICHAELA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" utahime greets and squeezes yaku into a hug. "YOU FAKE ASS BITCH, YOU HUNG UP ON ME!!" and utahime started wacking yaku, the dark brown haired woman just laughed as she got hit.

"you were too enthusiastic, you hurt my brain idiot." yaku said forcing utahime into a headlock. utahime tapped her arm indicating her she's tapping out and yaku stopped choke-holding her.

utahime pouted at yaku's coldness. "YOU'RE NO FUN!" yaku just smiles and turns her heel.

without looking at utahime yaku asks. "where's my place?" utahime smiles.

"old place girl." yaku waves her off and heads over.

as yaku unlocks her room door she hears a familiar voice..

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎Where stories live. Discover now