Chapter 1

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I was in bed with a good book and some tea when my roommate, and best friend, Kate walked in. We were roommates our first year of college, and even though we were polar opposites we were great friends. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, her curtain bangs hanging and her face made up showing her brown eyes.

"Quinn, we are going to a fight," She said, ripping my blanket off of me, before heading to my closet trying to find an outfit appropriate for her standards which were very high.

"We are what?" I asked, she handed me my dark skinny jeans and my black long sleeve crop top.

"Dante will be here in half an hour to get us," she said, handing me the clothing before walking out knowing I would argue. Dante was her boyfriend she had met last month at a bar. He was really nice but I had met him only two times and now I was supposed to go to some fight with him and Kate?

I sighed and I changed out of my oversized t-shirt into the clothing she gave me. I looked in the mirror and decided to keep my messy bun which showed the light brown highlights I had just gotten bleached into my hair. I put on some mascara to show off my bright green eyes. I sprayed my vanilla perfume and I applied some deodorant before grabbing a green winter jacket knowing it was going to be cold out.

I walked out into our living room and I grabbed my black combat boots and I slid them on. I also grabbed my black purse, sliding my wallet, gum, and phone inside. I went into the kitchen to eat a snack before we left.

As I was eating some chips Kate walked out and she had changed into a cream sweater and some light blue skinny jeans. She had a chunky necklace and some matching earrings. She also had on some light brown booties with a 3-inch heel making her the same height as me standing at about 5'6.

"Where are we seeing a fight?" I asked her, and she applied some lipstick in the mirror.

"I don't know, Dante said he got some tickets from his friend and asked us to go with him," Kate said, stepping back to examine how she looked. A knock on the door sent her squealing to open it, revealing Dante.

He had dark skin and brown hair which was always shaved to perfection and curly on top. He smiled at me as he walked into the room and I noticed he was wearing jeans, a white shirt, a leather jacket, and some converse. He was only a few inches taller than me.

"You guys ready?" He asked, and I put my chips away before nodding my head. Kate smiled as he pulled her to his side and I popped a piece of gum in my mouth before locking the door behind us.

We walked into Dante's car and I sat in the back of his beat-up Honda. He started driving and Kate turned on the music and they started talking about their plans for the rest of the weekend.

We finally pulled up to an old abandoned parking lot and I noticed it was filled with cars. My eyes widened in shock as Dante parked the car. He got out of the car and I followed his and Kate's lead as they intertwined their fingers.

"Is this legal?" I asked Dante as I caught up to him, he took a hit of hit vape.

"Only if they don't get caught," he shrugged, smiling. We walked towards a pair of doors and then we headed. down four flights of stairs despite the fact that we were on the first floor. We finally went through closed doors and I could hear a huge group of people. There was a feeling of excitement and anticipation in the air.

Hidden underground was a huge stadium with a boxing ring in the middle of the ground. Dante handed a security guard three tickets and then we pushed past people as they traded money placing bets on who would win or lose. We surprisingly were super close to the front of the match and Dante sat down, leaving me in the aisle seat and Kate in the middle.

I went to question Dante about who was fighting when the lights dimmed leaving a sole spotlight in the middle of the ring. A man stood up in a tux and he gave a huge smile to the crowd. Kate squealed in excitement, and I felt the adrenaline of watching such a violent sport.

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Fight Night!" The man said and the crowd went wild.

"Now the challenger stands at 6'3 is 190lbs and it is his first fight ever, welcome Sebastian Kane!!!!" He said and the crowd booed him as he made the stage. He had red hair and pale skin but he was pretty jacked. I noticed that all he had was his hands wrapped in tape and a mouthpiece in. He was wearing a red white and blue robe and was shaking his arms, and jumping from side to side to loosen up.

"And our champion standing at 6'5 and 200lbs make some noise for our very own Titus King," A man walked out right past me and he was breathtaking. He was extremely fit, I could see an eight pack from here. He had tan skin which was covered in old scars and small bruises. He had brown hair which was messily brushed back, and his eyes were a breathtaking blue. He couldn't be older than 28.

The crowd went wild as he appeared but he didn't react at all, it was almost as if he was listening to music and tuning out the crowd out. He was just staring at his opponent with a serious look on his face. The bell went off and both of their arms went up.

Sebastian went for the first punch and Titus took it to the face, however as the crowd gasped he recovered quickly throwing one blow to Sebastian's side, then another to his shoulder, finally one directly to his nose causing blood to flow everywhere.

The crowd went wild and I couldn't help but flinch at how violent it was becoming. Sebastian tried to quickly recover but it was obvious he wasn't fast enough. Titus's face seemed unchanged as he sent blow after blow to Sebastian until Sebastian was unconscious on the ground in front of him bleeding from his nose and a cut on his eye.

The ref blew the whistle and the crowd went wild. Titus moved his mouth guard so he was half biting it with the other half out of his mouth and then he walked over to his coach who was about 50 years old with dark skin and greying hair. Then Titus climbed out of the rope and jumped down causing everyone to go crazy.

He walked back in our direction and his blue eyes met mine, showing no emotions at all as he walked right past me leaving screaming fans behind as they longed for his attention. Everyone started to clear out and I looked over at Dante who told us to follow him. He walked over to the coach who smiled at Dante and gave him a hug.

"Hey Uncle Coop," Dante said and the man smiled widely.

"Will we get you in the ring one of these days Dante?" The man said and I looked at Dante with my mouth slightly agape, shocked that he knew how to fight as well.

"We will see, I would probably end up like Sebastian over there," Dante said, pointing to the bloody mess just a few feet behind us, still unconscious.

"I am glad you came," Coop said while laughing, before patting Dante's back and walking in the direction that Titus had gone.

"You fight too?" I asked him with my eyes wide. Dante pulled Kate closer to him as some people pushed their way out.

"I train just to keep in shape," He said as we joined the crowd to try and leave.

"It is... Intense," I said to him and Kate just smiled.

"I think it is hot," she said, biting her lip and Dante gave her a quick kiss. We pushed through the crowd and finally, we made our way to the car. Dante got us inside and he started to drive. We got back to the apartment and I went straight to bed.

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