Chapter 15

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The next day Titus slept until 12 and I could tell he was in serious pain. I called Marie and asked if Mason could stay a few more days because Titus wasn't doing great and she said, of course, he could.

When Titus woke up I grabbed some ice packs for his face and his side. His right eye was completely swollen and his right cheek was totally bruised. He had been hit on his side too and it was super tender.

"Once you feel better we should decorate," I said to him as I helped him hold the ice to the one side of his face and he reached his hand out to move the hair from my face as he looked at me lovingly.

"We would have to go buy stuff, we usually did Christmas at my Mom's," Titus said to me.

"Well, this year we are going all out," I said to Titus and he nodded his head, and I knew he would go along with whatever I wanted.

"Once I won yesterday I just couldn't wait to hold you in my arms," Titus said to me and I smiled down at him.

"I am so proud of you," I said to him and he pulled me down to cuddle him as I held up the ice. We spent the rest of the day lounging around and it was nice to just be with each other. Titus slept most of the day and I honestly think he was recovering from not sleeping well the past few months.

Leading up to Christmas it felt like everything was right in the world again. Once Titus had gotten better from his injuries we went to the store and got Christmas decorations. We decorated the entire apartment in a winter wonderland and Mason was so excited he even had us all buy matching Christmas pajamas.

It was now the week before Christmas and Ryan asked me to go shopping with him for his mother. I put on a red dress and some makeup excited to go to the mall. Ryan arrived and Titus let him in.

"I love you," I said to Titus who kissed me and told Ryan to keep me safe. We got into his car and we drove towards the mall.

"Can we stop at the gym? I forgot my wallet," He said and I nodded my head.

"How are you doing?" I asked him, he had gotten out of a long-term relationship a few months ago and was struggling around the holidays.

"It is tough, but I actually ran into a girl last weekend and she was smoking," He said and then he told me about a girl named Mia who he said was stunning and smart. We pulled up to the gym and we noticed the front door was slightly open.

"Stay here," Ryan said and he went into the gym. About five minutes later he hadn't returned and I realized I had left my phone at home, and Ryan must have brought it with him. I turned off the car and I stepped out into the snow.

I walked into the gym and I noticed a beaten-up Megan passed out on the ground. I also saw that Ryan was knocked out cold next to her. I ran to the front door and Jason was standing there. He had blood rushing down his face and I could tell Ryan had gotten a few punches.

His eyes were bloodshot and red, and he had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in a while. I could tell he was drunk, or maybe even high. I stepped back towards Ryan hoping he could magically regain consciousness and help me.

"What are you doing," I said to Jason, realizing how horrible of a situation I was in.

"I lost everything at that match. I was supposed to win the one million payout and I lost it all. I have guys looking for me to pay them money I don't have. Megan was getting whiny about wanting to leave town and she pissed me off. I figured maybe Titus would like the surprise in the morning, but your friend here happened to see me before I could leave," Jason said walking closer to me. I turned around and I sprinted to the office and I locked it.

I could hear Jason trying to break the door down. I grabbed Coach's phone and I dialed Titus's number and I prayed that he picked up. I screamed as Jason hit the door hard, and after a few seconds Titus picked up.

"Coach?" Titus said and I started talking, with tears running down my face.

"Titus it's Quinn, we got to the gym and Jason is here he beat the shit out of Megan and knocked out Ryan. I am locked in the office he is almost in," I said and I could hear him running out the door.

"Fuck, I am coming as soon as I can. Use anything you can as a weapon," Titus said and I could hear him getting into the elevator. He broke the door and I screamed, dropping the phone in the process. I turned to Jason who walked over to me. He grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall. He wasn't fully choking me yet.

"Please, we don't need to get physical," I said, wanting to do anything to de-escalate the situation. Jason smirked at me as he looked me up and down.

"Give me what I want and I won't be physical," He said, leaning down closer so our lips were inches away. He wreaked of whiskey and cigarettes and I felt more tears run down my face.

He grabbed my hair and he started to drag me out into the gym. He threw me onto the ground and I caught myself with my hands, trying to not fall on my stomach. I tried to crawl away from him and he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him. I was turned on my back and he pushed my dress up and as I tried to stop him he pushed me down and held both of my hands with his.

I was fighting back so he couldn't use his hands to do anything. I wrapped my leg so it trapped him and I flipped us over shocking him. I punched him in the face and I kneed him in the balls. I stood up and I started to run to the front door.

He had gotten up before I could run and managed to grab my arm. He punched me in the face so hard that it brought me to my knees. He grabbed my hair roughly and I put my hands on his wrist as I tried to get him off of me. With his other hand, he undid his belt and as I realized what was about to happen I tried to fight harder. He pulled my hair roughly and I had to stay put.

As he was pulling down his underwear he was put in a chokehold from behind. I looked up and Ryan was holding onto him. Jason managed to get out of it and they started throwing punches. Ryan got a few good jabs but so did Jason. I crawled towards the wall trying to stay out of sight.

Ryan hit Jason and he finally went down unconscious. Ryan ran over to me and he pulled me in a hug as I cried in his arms. Ryan didn't let go of me as I held onto him with a death grip.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Are you?" I asked him, and his nose was definitely broken.

"I have been hit worse," he said. The front door opened and Titus ran in and he ran right to us. I stood up and let him lift me into his arms and he held me for a second.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"I am okay, just shaken up," I said, and I flinched as he touched my cheek.

"She is dead," Ryan said, and we looked over at him. He was taking Megan's pulse and she didn't have one. Her lips were purple and she looked pale. Titus let go of me and walked over to her in shock. 

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