Chapter 8

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I locked the door behind them and I turned to all the boys staring at me shocked. I looked at my bruised hand and held it gently.

"Get Mason out of the office and somebody get me some ice," I complained and they all sprung into action. I walked over to Titus who was fixing his shirt from everyone holding him back.

"Thank you," he said and I nodded my head. Mason ran out and he ran over to me and saw my hand all bruised.

"Ouch, did you win?" He asked and Titus picked him up.

"She kicked his ass," Titus said and Mason smiled at me widely.

"Nice job Quinn!!" He said leaning over to hug me, causing Titus and I to stand close to each other.

"Come on Mason, I owe you a boxing match," one of the boys, who I found out was Titus's best friend Ryan, said as Mason got down and ran over to the ring.

"I should have her fight for you next week," Coach said, handing me some ice and handing me a beer, as I sat down on the bench, Titus sitting next to me.

"No thank you, this hurts like a bitch how do you deal with it?" I ask Titus, icing my hand while taking a sip of beer.

"It doesn't bother me," He shrugged as he looked at my hand.

"So that was his mother? Have they ever met?" I asked Titus and he shook his head.

"I told him that she had to go away for a while. She was never a good person. We met after one of the first fights that I won and we hooked up for a month. She had just gotten out of foster care so she used to crash at my shitty apartment. A month later she finds out she is pregnant and decides to keep the baby.

So she moves in fully and I take up three jobs to support her and a child. I was still fighting, but I only made about $100 a fight and that was if I won. So I was gone almost all the time and she was fucking other guys while I was at work or practice. Once she was far enough along I even made her get a paternity test to make sure Mason was mine.

The night she gave birth I was at my Mom's and I got a call that Megan had gone into labor. Once she gave birth Mason had some issues with his breathing so I went with him into the NICU. I came back down and she had left behind paperwork signing over her parental rights and she was gone.

I started winning more and more fights and last year my career took off and I could quit my other jobs. I had moved in with my Mom who helped me and we made it work. Two years ago I was at a bar and I found her doing coke in the men's bathroom with some guy and she didn't even recognize who I was. I never want her around Mason," Titus said and I put my hand on him and he looked up at me.

"You did everything right for him, and he is such an amazing child. She will never get him," I said to Titus and he smiled at me.

"Can we eat cake now!!" Mason said from the ring and Titus nodded his head and stood up, helping me stand up as well. We walked over to the cake and Titus put on five candles and he grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and lit the candles.

"Come here," Titus said to Mason who ran over and Titus picked him up. Everyone walked over and we started singing happy birthday. After it was done Mason blew out the candles and I cut pieces of cake for everyone.

"Come here Quinn," Mason waved me over after I was done and I went over to a bench where Mason and Titus were sitting.

"The cake is so good," Mason said as he took a huge bite.

"You have cake all over your face," I said to Mason who frowned and looked at me.

"Where?" He asked, trying to wipe it off.

"There," I said, shoving my cake into Mason's face who looked at me in shock. I laughed as I saw chocolate all over Mason's face and he looked at his Dad mischievously.

"Get her," Mason said and Titus smiled as I stood up running. I ran over to the punching bags and Mason was trying to chase after me but couldn't keep up.

"Who are you, the flash!?" Mason said and I turned while laughing. I went around the ring and I was captured by Titus who grabbed both of my arms and picked me up, carrying me over to Mason who was running towards me with a plate of cake, cake all over his face.

"Traitor," I said to Titus as he held me down while the cake was shoved in my face. Everyone around us was laughing as they watched the scene unfold. Titus let me go and he was laughing as he saw my face covered in cake.

"Go get more," I whispered to Mason who ran off. He must have seen Mason running back with cake and he started to run away. I took off sprinting to catch Titus, as Mason chased us with a plate.

Titus swerved in and out of the punching bags and I stayed in a straight line, he hopped onto the ring and I ducked under the ropes happy that I had put on booty shorts before I left. I grabbed Titus and I managed to grab his arms, and he reversed it and laid me down so I was on the ground and he was laying on me.

I flipped it so I was on top of him and Mason, with the help of Kate, handed me the cake and I shoved it in Titus's face, and everyone cheered and Coach even took a picture, and I laughed as Titus rubbed chocolate out of his face.

"Who is the traitor now?" He said to me, with a smile on his face. He flipped us over so he was on top and he helped me stand up.

"I regret teaching you self-defense now," Titus said to me, and Dante lifted up Mason so he was in the ring with us. Titus put Mason on his shoulders and Mason smiled down at me, as I smiled up at him.

"I am the champion!!" Mason said and we all cheered for him. I got down and all three of us headed to the locker room to get cleaned up.

"Wow," I said as I looked at my chocolate-covered face in the mirror.

Titus lifted Mason up, and I helped clean off his face and hands of chocolate and then Mason fixed his hair as Titus and I cleaned ourselves off.

"Can I go eat my cake now?" Mason asked and Titus let him go. I used a wet paper towel to wipe most of the cake off, but now I was trying to get the rest of it, plus my mascara which was running down my face.

"I know you run every day, but I wasn't expecting you to be that fast," Titus said to me and I smiled at him.

"I used to run in high school," I said and I watched as he tried getting the cake out of his ear. I had cleaned off my face but he got way more cake on him. I grabbed my paper towel and I wiped his cheek gently and he watched me.

"I could have gotten out of your hold," I said to him and he smirked at me.

"And I could have flipped you much earlier," He said, taking a step closer to me. I looked up at his face and realized we were super close. He reached out and grabbed my face and we were about to lean in when a little voice stopped us.

"Can we open presents now?" Mason said and Titus turned to talk to him.

"Yes, I will be right out," Titus said to Mason who nodded his head. I turned back to the mirror to finish cleaning up and so did Titus and we didn't mention the almost kiss.

We walked out and we watched as Mason opened up presents. He got a lot of toy cars and some boxing equipment from Titus which Mason was super excited about. At about 3 people started to leave and finally, it was just Mason, Titus, and I. Coach left telling us to lock up.

"Can we have a sleepover here?" Mason asked Titus with wide eyes as the idea popped into his head.

"I don't know.." Titus said and Mason looked up at him.

"Please," Mason said and Titus sighed and nodded his head.

"But we should go get stuff and then come back," Titus said and then Mason turned to me.

"You will stay right?" Mason asked me and I nodded, knowing I couldn't say no to him. 

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