Chapter 33

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He let his anger took over him again. He dragged his palms over his face, releasing a long painful groan. The phone call was meant to be constructive, but he let impulsiveness get the best of him when he was caught-off guard with the other twin's presence. In the first place, Martial wasn't suppose to be the one answering the calls, nor he is the person to discuss this matter with.

"But if Philippines is on the leave..." No... He took a long pause and his eyes widened. She wouldn't! Of course! "Fucking dammit, I knew it!"

He banged the desk hard with his fists while he gritted his teeth. Martial has been the one blocking off advancements of the USA army, even to the point of staling the alliance that had been there for so long. Of course! Never he would have thought Philippines would actually give that son of a b's opportunity to once again regain control over the whole country even if temporary, not with what happen back during Martial's regime. And to think it's during this heated political dilemma occurring.

He laced his fingers, leaning over the desk. "Prideful bastard." An amused grin tugged his lips as he cackled darkly—amused at how the dire situation took yet another turn, but pissed with how they are treating this matter like some sort of passing ball game.

Now he understood. None of the siblings are fond of that Chinese bastard; Philippines was pressured for certain, no doubt by the Chinese himself. Hah! He bet his five fleets that Martial wouldn't even let her sign a diplomatic alliance with the east Asian. Martial was smart enough to see through that bastard's schemes. But alas, it was the president herself who made this decision. He may share his opinions but he has no legitimate power to oppose her.

"Sir," Washington knocked this time, breaking his inner thoughts. He gestured him to come in. "It has been reported that surveillance from Philippine coast guards has increased."

And now this, has supported his claim. That war child had actively participated in this feud of ownership along with several ASEAN members given that he has now power over it. Under Philippines' rule, her place had weakened as the other super country continued his military projects over their islands. America shook his head in utter disappointment, pushing up his glasses over his head.

Martial's pride and devotion to his country would never let him be subjected to another nation's rule, more so when it's a communist. He was raised to exterminate, made to annihilate them.

He knows those Filipino siblings like the scars at the back of this hand. He taught them, watched them, fought them himself. And he knows, that the child wouldn't let America meddle with east's affairs, his pride is too high for that.

America scoffed. "He thinks by only his country, he can match up. Cocky," he said, leaning back on his chair, "but still naïve."

Washington, still being there, held a poker face, rolling his eyes internally as his president is once again, having an inner monologue. He spoke, "Sir, would you like me to contact Singapore once more?"

It worked as he snapped out from his thoughts. "Yeah, contact Japan as well." He waved his hand dismissively as Washington bowed and left his office.

Singapore. If push comes to shove, they would most likely be in his side, but realistically speaking, the country only holds a small portion of land. Okinawa of Japan would be the closest he could get to station his troops if ever the connection between the Philippines had gone bleak. However, Philippines would be the best choice of location as it's the nearest and had the easiest access to the islands. He still wouldn't want to let that chances go.

Martial wouldn't let him. In order to do so, he would really need to talk directly to Philippines one on one and face to face.



You guys really spammed my notifs LOL but your guys comments are hilarious that it gives me entertainment wheeze. So here's a new chap for y'alls ;)

Fun fact: I think most of you know this, but for those who don't, the declaration of Martial Law has numerous operations and one of them was to suppress communist parties in the country.

Also I have a question, when you first picked up this story, what did y'alls expect? I mean I know plenty will skip over the cover and the title cause not gonna lie, it sounds childish as heck like it wasn't thought off at all lololol. And the plot I used as synopsis, I mean, it does say something about the plot but you can barely feel what it has in story. So it made me thinking, what did you all expect when you picked it up? You can comment it down below, looking forward to your responses.

See ya peeps next time!! LOL

LOL, Phili   [Rusphil]Where stories live. Discover now