devil's daughter

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risen from the grave with revenge on my mind, hands already clenched into fists so tightly, blood dripped from the creases of my ghostly white knuckles like rain falling from the darkened clouds of my mind

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risen from the grave with revenge on my mind, hands already clenched into fists so tightly, blood dripped from the creases of my ghostly white knuckles like rain falling from the darkened clouds of my mind. the glimmer of hope in their eyes as the belief that mercy would be spared was nothing compared to the caverns of the wind echoing through my head, almost whispering in my ears — reminding me of the sweet taste of revenge that would soon fill my lungs as the blood left their bodies.


ERIS WALKER loved her friends. Due to her unpleasant home-life, she viewed her friends as her own metaphorical home; her safe-place. Through her years of life, every time she looked over her shoulder, there they were. Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, and Lydia Martin. Yes, the last one was her cousin, which was blatantly obvious based upon their identical flaming hair, but nevertheless, said three were her people.

    Until they suddenly decided they weren't.

Eris was going into her sophomore year of High School when two of her friends, Stiles and Scott, suddenly decided they didn't have the time of day for her anymore.

It started off with them cancelling plans last minute on her, only for her to see them hanging out without her. Until it lead to them pressing the 'block' button on her contact and cutting off any and all communication with her.

Eris felt abandoned. She had lost two of the people she found comfort in, for a reason that was unbeknownst to her. But, she still had Lydia. And she supposed that was enough. The strawberry blonde, as she preferred to be described as, remained by Eris' side for one more year, until she also decided to forget her. Despite being blood related, Lydia dropped Eris like she was nothing more than a piece of string stuck to her overly-priced skirt.

The absence of Lydia Martin left Eris Walker completely and utterly alone.

The once sweet, innocent red head that always offered a pencil to those who needed it, even if it was the only one she had to use, was furious. The built up rage inside of her that had started with her unloving family, began to rise as she watched her friends go off on crazy adventures without her, and even recruiting people they had barely met.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑  ❪ teen wolf ❫Where stories live. Discover now