I Don't Mind Waiting

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While celebrating Manaow and Pruk's wedding, Team has to wonder if Win regrets waiting for him.

prompt: weddings


When Manaow and Pruk get married, it's a stupidly lavish ceremony and Team should be disgusted by the sheer extravagance and the money that has gone into the event.

Except that means that he would be disgusted by the sheer amount and variety of food and well...he's hungry, not stupid. So he keeps his mouth shut and piles his plate high with shrimp and lobster and soundly ignores Pharm's squawk of disbelief as he walks back with three plates balanced on his arms.

Despite the exuberance, the ceremony is beautiful and executed perfectly. Manaow is resplendent in a blush wedding gown and P'Pruk is a ball of nerves in a well fitted suit but he stands tall and watches Manaow with unfailing adoration as she sashays down the aisle to him.

There's not a dry eye in the audience after they exchange vows and if Team finds himself tearing up...well that's his business and no one else's. After the cake is cut and Manaow smears frosting against her new husband's cheek, the couple take their place on the dance floor for the first dance with Del and Mew a close second as the Maid of Honor and Best Man.

Team watches them for a minute with a smile and then he's turning his attention to what is truly important: chicken satay skewers. But of course, the world hates him and he's just swallowed a bite of succulent meat when the tempo switches to a faster number and Team's arm is being tugged by a slightly tipsy Pharm.

"You can't keep stuffing your face all night Team! Dance with me!" Pharm whines and he's making full use of his cuteness to break Team's determination to just sit and eat. Team is sorely tempted to shove a piece of chicken into the man's mouth to stop the puppy dog eyes but Dean is watching Pharm with a fond look on his face and when he looks at Team, the glare is enough to make Team shove the meat into his own mouth.

Mouth full, he whines back, "Why aren't you dancing with your husband? He's just sitting there and staring at you!"

Pharm's eloquent response is, "Why aren't you dancing with your husband? He's sitting there staring at you too!!"

Then Pharm's blinking, confusion written over his features, "Wait- no. Not married yet. Why aren't you two married yet? P'Wi-"

Team has perhaps never been more grateful to Manaow and her impeccable timing when she comes rushing at them, demands to know why neither of them are dancing and tugs them both onto the floor; all within the span of a minute.

Team has no choice but to stumble behind them; they've got a vice-like grip on his arms. But before he's swallowed up by the crowd, he chances a look back at his table.

More specifically, at Win. Who watches Team with a quiet look until the mass of bodies press up against him.

Pharm's shrill squeal as Manaow hugs him is enough to push down the nerves building in Team's throat and he lets himself dance; bodies wriggling, hips swaying, laughter and music all around them. Team finds himself laughing, twirling Pharm into himself and then out and then Manaow's doing the same for him and he's crashing into her with an exuberant guffaw.

Only she's miscalculated Team's strength and the force of him knocking into her nearly makes Manaow trip over her dress but there are hands hauling them straight up and Pruk is there to catch them both.

On seeing her husband, Manaow shrieks happily and leans up to press a kiss against his jaw, "Hi baby! You caught me!"

"Of course I did. I'll always catch you remember?" Pruk is giving her a sickeningly sweet look and Manaow's got that glint in her eyes that says she really doesn't care that there's a room full of people surrounding them and so Team wisely decides to make himself scarce. He needs a break anyway.

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