Seneca Peregrinus

422 18 3

Win isn't flirting...he's just trying his best not to fall in love while explaining how not to kill a plant. 

prompt: succulent AU


Dean has expressly forbidden Win to flirt with customers in the store...but since Dean has also been making heart eyes at the tiny cute thing that walked into their shop two weeks ago while explaining how he should care for his little cacti, Win thinks that Dean can fuck off.

Besides, he's not going to lose out on his third chance to speak to tiny-cute-thing's equally cute (okay no- Win's pick is definitely cuter) friend.

Win has been calling him Uan in his head from the minute he stepped into the store two weeks ago with tiny-cute-thing (he should come up with a better nickname but Win's making this one work); one because his cheeks are so squishy and two because he heard the boy snort like a piggy that first day.

Customers and actually working had prevented Win from going up to Uan during his last two visits but today stops all of that.

He checks to make sure Dean's still preoccupied with another customer (and ignores the warning look shot his way), then at his own reflection (earrings glinting away in the sun, blonde hair tied back and a smudge of dirt- crap no take that off!) before making his way to the dark haired boy who's been pouting at the rows of green plants for the last five minutes.

Win taps his shoulder twice and smiles wide when Uan turns around.

"Swadee khrap, my name's Win. Can I help you with anything today?"

Uan glances at Win and then to the row of plants and back to Win before he takes a deep breath and launches into a spiel, "Sawadee, I'm Team and umm yes, so my room needs more green in it because Manaow thinks that the air in my room can be more crisp and Pharm's been in here like four more times buying succulents because he says that they're the easiest to take care of, which will be great for me because I will most definitely let my plants die...not because I don't care but I'm just- forgetful...sometimes? But I don't want a cactus because I'd definitely touch the spikes cause like I said I'm forgetful and Pharm says that he likes the plants from here and that I wouldn't have to worry too much about caring for them and that the tall angry guy who's looking at you right now would help me because he's really cute and hot but I don't think he's my type, you're actually hotter and ohmygosh did I just say that out loud??"

Team is slapping a hand over his mouth in complete mortification after that word vomit and Win can very much feel Dean's glare boring into his back but wow he cannot care right now because the boy in front of him is flushing the most delicious shade of red and Win's partly wondering how far down does that flush go and partly falling in love with the dork.

Realizing that he might be letting the silence go on for a little too long, Win reaches out and gently pulls Team's hand away, ignoring the little whine that is given at the gesture, "So...tiny-cute-thing's name is Pharm huh? Don't worry, tell Pharm that my friend thinks he's really cute too but that he doesn't have the balls to ask him out on a date or talk to him about anything other than succulents because he's an idiot. As a side note, I think you're really cute too Team; cuter than Pharm actually in my humble opinion. I have some great choices for you if you're looking for a beginner's plant."

Team flushes even deeper at Win's confession and he grumbles out, "I'm not cute- Pharm is cute. I'm just...Team."

"Well, I think 'just Team' is perfect but I'm also biased. Remind me to get your Line ID before you check out? Come on over here, this is called sedum adolphii or golden glow. It's pretty easy to take care of and has the typical needs of a succulent; soak it and then when the soil's dried out, you water it again."

" yeah. Okay. But I don't like the look of that have anything else?"

"Sure! Let's see what works for you."

It's as Win is perusing the shelves for a better choice that Team pipes up again, "Do you think it would be a terrible idea if I told Pharm I wanted to try out the new barbecue place down the street and you and your friend are magically there too and we sit together and they actually have to talk to each other and not be idiots?"

Well then.... Win is officially in love. He grins just a little brighter and winks at Team, delighting in the wide-eyed stare it grants him, "I think that's a terrific idea. And wouldn't you know it- my break is coming up in ten minutes and I'm in the mood for barbecue."

Team grins back at him and he's yanking out his phone to hurriedly text Pharm, giving a triumphant little yell when he gets back an affirmative on lunch.

They end up picking a sapling of senecio rowleyanus because it prefers to be under-watered and a barely blooming seneca peregrinus because the leaves look like dolphins and Team is apparently a swimmer. If Win lets his hand graze a little too much when passing Team the plants or lets his eyes linger just a little too long...well Team keeps blushing and Win keeps falling a little more.

Dean bitches and gripes all the way to the restaurant but thankfully shuts up when Win yanks him inside and forces him to come face to face with tiny-cute-thing (Pharm-sorry but the other name has really grown on Win)

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Dean bitches and gripes all the way to the restaurant but thankfully shuts up when Win yanks him inside and forces him to come face to face with tiny-cute-thing (Pharm-sorry but the other name has really grown on Win). Dean and Pharm spend the rest of lunch being cute and stupid while Win and Team...well they're less obvious about it.

After lunch, Win takes off early and when Dean protests, Win plays his best-friend-who's-helped-you-find-the-apparent-love-of-your-life-and-you-owe-me-and-I-really-like-his-friend-so-do-me-this-solid-please card and follows Team to his single bedroom apartment where Win carves a spot for himself in Team's life and the plants find their spot on the ledge above Team's bed.

All in all, not bad at all for a Thursday.


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