The Plan

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Win has a plan. Team is intent on ruining those plans. 

prompt: birthdays 


Win has a plan. It is a good plan. Your attention please as he reveals his carefully thought out plan.

At 5:30pm today, he is going to finish off his share of the chores, remind his roommate not to disturb him, shower quickly before sequestering himself safely in his room.

By 5:45pm, his hair will have dried and will fall softly around his ears, tousled and easy over his forehead.

At 5:55pm, he's going to be undressed and ready to call Team for their weekly call.

At 5:58pm, Team will respond, flush and sputter at Win's half nakedness and be a blushing virgin for exactly two minutes before undressing as well (along with a curse or two).

At 6:00pm, it'll be midnight in Thailand, which means that it'll officially be October 10th there and Win is going to wish Team a Happy Birthday and they are gonna have video birthday sex.

And in one week, Win is going to be taking a plane out of England for the last time and he's going back to Thailand and right into Team's arms where he plans to stay for a long time.

It's a good plan; it's a plan they've beta-tested last year and three times last month with optimal results. Nothing can go wrong with the plan.

So...can someone please explain to him why it is now 6:50pm and Team still hasn't answered a single one of his calls??

Win has stuck to the plan and Team has effectively thrown his hard work out the window. Now he sits, covered in a robe, and alternating between glaring at his laptop on the bed and the phone in his hand which now shows him 8 missed calls to his elusive boyfriend.

At first, Win had been a little worried and he'd sent Team a message, wondering if the boy had simply let it slip from his mind. It being Team's third year, Win knows how hard the swimmer has been working and despite the plans they've made, it was entirely possible that Team may just have been exhausted and forgotten.

But the thing is, Team is not that heavy of a sleeper that he wouldn't be able to hear any of Win's calls. Neither of them keep their phone on silent in the night just so that they're able to hear one another if the need ever arises.

So when his concerned messages go unread and his calls are ignored, Win goes from worried to panicked. He calls every friend from their group, disregarding the late hour and demanding to know where Team is, which hospital he's in, wondering how quickly he can book a flight from England to Thailand and if his father would consider this a big enough emergency to charter a jet for him.

Dean quickly shuts down that idea and tells Win that Team might have just gone to sleep earlier than planned and he'd probably forgotten to change the volume settings on his phone, "He worked really hard at practice today with the juniors so he's probably just passed out at home. Relax, you can talk to him tomorrow; we're having a small party in the evening for him upon Pharm's insistence so you can say hi to all of us instead of just your boyfriend. Now let me go back to sleep you ass."

Win wants to tell him that there's a reason he likes to say hi to just his boyfriend (the reason being that it quickly ends up in them getting naked and no one gets to see Team like that but Win) but he decides on simply ending the call without a goodbye. Cause he's mature like that.

Sighing but knowing that there's nothing else he can do right now, Win switches his robe for a pair of shorts and slides under the covers. He sends one last message to Team; a sweet happy birthday and a cheesy I love you that he knows will make the boy blush. In his words he strives to make certain that there's no hint of hurt feelings. And Win really isn't hurt but he does know Team.

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