Part 1

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This does actually contain graphic violence and suicidal tendencies and possibly sexual harassment so like yeah lol

Peso sighs. Laying still, he clenches his eyes shut to ease the throbbing in his head. Squinting his eyes open, he rolls away from Dashi's sleeping form. Her dark hair spreads across her chocolate toned skin, shining in the pale light filtering in from the window. Stretching his muscles, he groans as he climbs out of bed. He struggles into his shirt, yanking his uniform on while stumbling over to the sink. Gasping as he splashes the frigid water across his pale face. 

His left arm leans on the sink, the right one grasping the handle of the cabinet. Wincing at the creak of the door, he snatches the ibuprofen and snaps the lid open. Shaking two of the pills onto his palm, he pops them into his mouth, holding his face under the stream of water to gulp them down. He wipes off the water, looking at his reflection for a moment. His brown eyes, black hair and pale face look tired in the light shining through the water and into his window. 

 He lopes out the door, grabbing his hat on the way out. Taking the stairs to the clinic, he wonders how Dashi is after their drinks last night. How she'll react when he isn't there next to her.

Peso laughs out loud at the thought of Dashi's reaction to a headache. That pushover barely ever has fun, but when she does... he laughs again. An attempt to remember the night's... activities, reintroduces the throbbing in his head.

He is knocked out of his thoughts of Dashi when he bumps into a hurrying Shellington.

"Oh, hey Peso." Says the man happily. "General medical today, remember?"

If Dashi's a pushover, Shellington is ten times that.

"Hey Shell-" He hiccups loudly. "-ington." Peso mutters. Smiling a big, fake grin.

How could I forget?

"See you at ten? Or maybe I'll get my check done a bit earlier?" Shellington queries.

"N-no." Go away.

"Okay then!" he smiles, waving as he strolls animatedly towards the lab, his ginger ponytail flicking side to side. "See you then!" 

Assoon as Shellington turns the corner, Peso slouches. All hints of the happycharade he'd put on seconds ago disappear. Mental health is very important tothe captain, so much so that he'd have to go back to the stupid, bland, hunk ofice he called 'home' if Barnacles found out about his depression. Pulling aflask of whiskey, disguised as rubbing alcohol, from his bag, he takes a swig.Exhaling loudly, he turns and walks into the clinic.

Slumpinginto his chair, he begins the gruelling wait for the others to arrive. To begina long day of examinations.                                                                                                                                             

A knock on the door distracts Peso from his self-pity. He shuffles upright, putting on the face that he wants others to see.

"Hello?" He calls out, "Come in."

"Good morning, Peso." A deep voice greets him. The hulking form of Captain Barnacles ducks into the room. His short, white hair cut in a way that appreciates his military perspective.

"Hi." Peso puts on a false smile. Peso stares into the Captain's deep blue eyes in silence for a minute.

"So, should we continue with the check-up?" Barnacles breaks the awkward silence. A sort of grin spreading on his pallid face. None of them get enough sun down here, everyone's skin is a tone paler than it would be up on the surface. A boost of vitamins can't hurt.

They proceed with the check-up, and Barnacles attempts to start up some small talk near the end.

"How have you been lately, Peso?"

"You're in full health. Have a good day." He avoids the question, pretending he didn't hear.

Ugh. He's become so boring since I left him.

Or was that one of the reasons he left? He shakes his head a little, to get rid of the thoughts running through his mind.

"Oh-Okay. Good morning." Barnacles says, his regular boom slightly quieter than usual as he walks out of the clinic, ducking again at the door and closing it behind him. 6.8 and works in a submarine. Classic.

Lmao imagine writing fanfiction about children's shows. DeFiNiTeLY cOuLdN't bE mE

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