Part 5

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Peso's POV again.

Breathing quickly, Peso flexes his fingers. Just now realizing the pain of his broken nose. The room swirls around him, all sounds feel wobbly and loud in his ears.

"Shellington." He groans quietly.

"Huh?" he replies, walking across the room.

"Please let me up." I don't need his help.

"I'm fine now. Before, that was just grief. I'm fine." Please believe me.

"If you're sure..."

"Yeah. I'm okay." How many times have I said that and not meant it? Too many.

"Okay." Shellington removes the thick leather straps on his wrists and ankles.

Rubbing his face, Peso walks out the room. A smile so commonly used, practiced so much that it looks as if it's real, plastered firmly on his face.

As soon as he is out of earshot, he almost collapses. "What am I going to do?" he murmurs to himself. He smiles, but this time it has some form of shrivelled happiness is behind it. He'll visit Tweak.

He rushes back down the hall, hurrying to see his friend. He turns the corner, climbing to her room. He knocks on the door, flinching again as it creaks open.

"Tweak?" He says, walking in. He sees a note.

I am in the workshop, working on a surprise!

Enthusiasm irritates him, even the brief amount in the message. What is there to be enthusiastic about?

He turns on his heel and scurries down to the workshop. Rapping on the door, he waits. After a few minutes of nothing but the sound of the blowtorch, Peso turns the knob.

Stepping across the threshold, he squints, covering his eyes. The blowtorch is on the floor, it has melted through some of the steel panels.

"Shit!" he shouts, running to turn it off. He turns off the gas, the brightness subsiding. As his eyes adjust, he sees Tweak on the floor. Running towards her, he remembers. She should be in the clinic, on a drip to make things less painful. He notices the blood leaking from her mouth. Her short green hair is in her eyes, blood speckling the floor near her face.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He crouches beside her, checking her pulse. "NO, NO, NO! This can't be HAPPENING!"

Short short short chapter. 

Oh, Peso. Honey, this is where you snap, isn't it?

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