Part 6

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A bang on the door. Coughs filling the air. An arm waving the thick smoke away.

"Peso? What's going on here?" Captain Barnacles shouts, looking through the smoke.

"Tweak is DEAD!" He picks up the blowtorch, flicking the gas on. "SHE'S DEAD!" he wails, lunging at him with the white flame. Thrusting it violently into Barnacles' forehead.

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" the screams of utter agony last for mere moments before they are burnt out.

Flinging the lit torch against the wall, Peso begins to sob, kneeling over the charred body of Barnacles. He seizes Barnacles melted face in his hands, tears rushing down his face.

"What have I done?" he rasps, though no one can hear him. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?!"

"I can't be f-found out. I- if they see me, they'll know." He begins stuttering madly.

He stands up, stepping over the remains. He turns, stumbling out of the room as it is engulfed in flames.

In the loading bay. "In-It's in the loading bay." He mutters only small gusts from the rampaging hurricane of thoughts that tears at the walls he has put around himself.

He stumbles towards it, grimacing as he smashes the glass with his bare hand. The emergency pistol. It's fully loaded, but he only needs four bullets. He bites at his lip with his teeth. He focuses intently on cutting it open, piercing it with his teeth. Bleeding, he fires a shot at the water where the gups are floating. Good. It works.

"Jumping jellyfish! What's happening down there!?" Shellington shouts, heading down. Peso crouches, hiding from view. Shellington scratches his head as he walks towards the Octo Alert button, pondering whether to press it.

Peso jumps out, shooting three shots at Shellington. He gasps, the sharp intake of breath soon replaced with a wet coughing. Peso fires again. His face emotionless as he pulls the trigger. BAM! BAM! Again. And again. And again. Shellington stumbles backwards, scrabbling frantically at his wounds. He chokes loudly, blood pouring from his lips. It soaks into his white shirt, squirting onto the floor. He trips, falling backwards. He lands with a splash in the water. Sinking slowly, he struggles to swim, blood twisting in crimson swirls around him. Inhaling the harsh salt water, his movement stops. Peso shoots two more times at the submerged corpse.

Peso stares, unblinking, at the splattering of blood on the floor panels. The white light from the ceiling reflects oddly on his pale skin. He snaps his head around, the adrenaline in his body letting his ears tune in to the sound of Professor Inkling's low singing.

"No witnesses." Peso mutters, stalking up the stairs.

He peeks into the library, eavesdropping on Professor Inkling's humming.

Kill him.

He walks into the room and pulls up the gun. Firing four times. He was dead with the first, but Peso makes sure, staring directly into the blank eyes of his once friend. The Professor falls limp in his chair, the book he was reading covered in blood. Scowling, Peso walks towards him. All rational thought is gone, the storm of his thoughts has been drowned. He is empty. Peso picks up the pale hand, pulling him off the chair.

He drags the stiff body towards Kwazii. A trail of shiny blood paints a long stripe down the hall.

Peso knocks once on the door, waiting silently for it to open. Kwazii pulls the door wide, his right hand pulling the headphones off his ears. In his left, holds a large weight. He stands still in the doorway, his shirtless body shiny from sweat. His grin fades into a fearful scowl. He is met with a dead eyed Peso, soaked in blood, holding the corpse of his friend in one hand, and a pistol in the other.

"What d'ya want?" he says shakily. Staring at the round hole in the centre of Inkling's forehead. He puts his hand on his head, twisting his hair. "What did you do?"

"Shoot us both, or- or I'll make you." Peso demands. His mind empty of all its sentiment. A dark, empty hole. 

Why can't I just do it myself? You fucking failure you've killed everyone you love; and you can't even shoot yourself?


Another bang rings in Peso's ears.

"My toe! You shot me bloody toe!" Kwazii exclaims loudly, blood spraying up his leg.

"Do it." He'll do it.

Kwazii lunges past him, pressing the Octo alert button. The sirens blare in vain as Peso digs the end of the pistol into Kwazii's gut.

"What?" Kwazii mumbles, his voice quiet. "Did you-" his left eye opens wide, the pad covering his right eye lifting with his brows.


Kwazii reaches out in less than a second, pulling Peso into his chest and twisting the weapon away from himself. He crushes Peso's struggling hand until he pulls the trigger. The bullet blasting into a wall, tearing a hole in it. Kwazii's pushes Peso's finger onto the trigger, hearing a click. 

"There ya go. Wasn't so hard, was it?" he smiles.

Peso is tense against Kwazii's tight grip. "Let me go. NOW."

Kwazii laughs, smiling. "No."

"Grrngh!" Peso worms out of Kwazii's arms.

Kwazii relaxes. Still laughing. Peso swings the gun, slamming the butt into Kwazii's arm. Kwazii stands still while Peso, dropping the pistol, continues to swing at him. Peso begins to sob, his head leaning onto Kwazii, his fists clenched, he brings them both down on Kwazii's chest. Sliding to the floor, he kneels, his head resting on the cold panelling. Kwazii steps over him, leaning on the doorframe.

"Get out me room, ya filthy creature." He kicks Peso, his foot pushing him out the door.

Slamming the door, Kwazii grumbles angrily. Peso listens to the rummaging and mumbling. Peso shivers, regretting everything. He stares at the grey metal of the wall, at the black spots that invade his vision. He continues to stare as the tears flow from his eyes. His curled-up body is unnaturally still.

"Bruh, get out the doorway." Kwazii kicks him in the stomach. "I can smell smoke. Follow me."

"Why didn't you shoot me?" he shakes, wondering why. Wishing he'd done it himself. Before he did-


Peso shuffles into a standing position, looking up at Kwazii. He glares down at the pathetic being that is Peso.

"Where are we going?" Peso asks, chasing after the brisk pace Kwazii walks at.

"Scuse me if I ain't cryin' on the floor like a child, but you are to blame for the deaths of the entire crew of this ship. And ya shot me." He turns to look at Peso gesturing at his foot before walking backwards as he glowers.

"But-" Peso begins to argue.

"No escapin' from it this time. You're a murderer now." Kwazii flashes a smile before returning to his signature scowl.

Shock flickers in Kwazii's eyes as he sees the blood coated loading bay and the black clouds of smoke billowing out of the workshop.

"Where are you taking me?" Peso whispers as they both slip into gup B.

"To meet a friend. I have a deal to uphold."

Peso what the hell? There was no need to 'pumped up kicks' all your mates was there? 

You could go to jail for the rest of your life, Peso. However short that may be...

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