Pokemon and Beyblade {Crossover} 5

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I giggled slightly, looking at the Mudkip, Azumarill, and Feraligatr behind me before putting a finger on my mouth. Telling my new pokemon to be quiet.

Mudkip -Kip-, Azumarill -Aqua-, and Feraligatr -Toto- nodded their head before Kip jumped up on my arms, squeaking quietly before I giggled. I then entered the room where Tyson, Max and Kenny, or the Chief, slept.

Kip went in front of Chief's bed, Aqua went in front of Max's bed, and Toto went in front of Tyson's bed.

I snickered, an evil glint in my eye along with my pokemon's eye before I yelled waking the three up.

"Now! Kip and Aqua! Water gun! Toto! Hydro Pump!"




i sat around the table eating breakfast with Shaya, Kai, Hilary, and Hiro while our pokemon were behind us eating pokemon food.

Soon we heard screaming up stairs.

"COLD! COLD! COLD!" Three voices scream, one of them screaming much louder than the other two voices.

I sweatdropped, looking up on the ceiling were I suppose Tyson and the others were sleeping.

"What did... Lyra do?" I asked, a bit afraid. The last time I saw Lyra was when I passed by her down the stairs, behind her were three pokemon who didn't give me a single glance.

'Those idiots are too loud....' Metgross thought before returning back to his nap.

We then saw Lyra slide down the rail of the stiras before juming off, landing into the kitchen while three wet, shivering boy came down from upstairs.

"What happen to you three?" I questioned while the three boys glared at the snickering pig tail girl.

"Ask... Her...."




"Where's Tyson?" I questioned the black hair boy, Ray, while he just shrugged.

"I'm betting he's still eating." Ray said, looking at the sky to see the cries of spearow's overhead before landing at the trees.

"These pokemon are so...."

"Strange?" I finished for him.

He nodded slightly. "Yes, but there is something else about them.... If the others would be here, I'm sure they would be interested in these creatures- I mean pokemon." Ray corrected himself when he saw I was glaring at him.

 Laughing nervously, I huffed while I remembered what he said. 

"So you have friends that beyblade also?" I asked, looking at him while he nodded. 

"Yes..." Then he blushed causing me to smirk slyly.

"I see." I chuckled before he gave me a questioning look. I waved my hands at him. "Nothing Ray, just ignore me." I said innocently.

He gave me one more glance of confusion befoe back where they saw Tyson coming finally coming out of the house. 

"I'm here! I'm here! Don't leave me!" He yelled, causing me and Absol to roll our eyes.

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