Pokemon and Beyblade {Crossover} 3

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"Moltres/Dragonite!" the two trainers gasped, the dust clearing off to see something to their amazement.

Lying on the ground were both pokemon, Dragonite and Moltres, who were struggling to get up. They had to endure the pain as they slowly got up, about to battle once more.

But the pain was to much for them to handle, and the both dropped to the ground. Everyone gasped to see their pokemons' eyes now were with swirl.

"Dragonite!" Shaya gasped with fear, snapping out of her surprise. She ran over to the orange pokemon, who wouldn't look at her in the eye.

'Milady... I'm so sorry..... You might as well release me...'

Shaya knew what Dragonite was thinking as she suddenly hitted the orange dragon on the head with hard force.

'Ow!' He yelped, holding his bruised head and whimpered in pain, looking at his Milady with tears threatening to come down.

"Don't you ever think of that ever again Dragonite!" Shaya exclaimed, watching the shock face appear in Dragonite's face.

The others looked at her when, watching the two argueing.

"Dragonite! You are one of my very best friends! Don't think I'm releasing you just because you lost this battle! You did your very best out there, and for that. I'm happy you did, so you don't have to beat yourself down. Alright?" Shaya said, softening a bit before hugging Dragonite.

Dragonite made a little smile before hugging her back.

The two parted, smiling at eachother, soon Tyosn ruined it when he ran over to the two and yelled at how amazing the battle was.

"That was so amazing Shaya! Now I really want a pokemon of my own! Were can I get one? Where can I get one?!" Tyson bounced on his feet crazily, causing Shaya to laugh.

"Even I have to say I want my own pokemon Shaya, you need to teach us how to get a pokemon." Hiro said, smiling as the res tof the group appeared.

"Hey Shaya!" Shaya looked at Ethan before she saw something being throwned at her, she cought it. Right when she was about to peek inside the pouch, Ethan walked away. Smiling while his back facing her.

"Where are you going Ethan?!" Shaya called after him, who just waved at her. "Just going to another adventure, it seems I need to train a bit more. "He then stopped and looked over at Shaya with determination in his eyes.

"Shaya! I'm going to beat you someday! Watch! And while I train! You better not slack off!" Ethan yelled before releasing his legendary pokemon and jumping onto her back.

Before the two left, Moltres and Ethan looked at them, smiling while Ethan kept rambling on about going to win against Shaya oone day. But as for Moltres, she smield softly at the group, facing back to the sky. She spread her wings and screeched before flying off into the tawny sunset.

"One day Shaya!" Ethan called out for her, causing her to laugh.

"Hey." Max called out to her, Shaya looked at Max with confusion. And then remembered abotu the small pouch in her hands.

Without saying something, Shaya opened the pokeball and pulled out something inside, and when she took it out. She had grown surprise, it was a pokeball. Shaya then peeked in and counted about 7 pokeballs inside as she took it out.

"Why would Ethan gave me this?" Shaya mused. "I have a lot of them at home." She said. "That's a pokebal right? Can I see it?" Max asked. Shaya nodded, enlargin the pokeball and handing it over to Max, who was staring at it wide eye.

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