Part 13:

47 1 0

(Short Chapter)

You looked around and saw dried up blood everywhere. You turned your scales black as you entered and the horrible day came back into your mind. You tail drooped along the floor and your wings were not even being held up, they looked like they were boneless.

You stepped onto the hard wood floor and the scent of blood still lingered. You kept walking and felt your foot hit something. You looked at it and saw it was a stuffed plushie.

"One-san! One-san! Pleeeeaseee! Can I get the bunny?!"

"What about Kenji? Tell him to buy it for you"

"Onii-san said no, and told me to tell you...SO PLEEEASEEE!"

"Ughhhh, fine..."

You grabbed it and saw it was a dingy red color and some of it was still a dirty pastel pink. You sighed and threw it at a wall. Your scales a lingering black and dark navy blue color as you walked through the rest of the house. You made it to your old room, the room was messy, yet not a shred of blood blood in there, you immediately closed the door and opened the door to Kenji's room, there was no blood on there either just dust, same with with Tatsuo's room.

You walked back out the house and went into the woods. You kept going farther and farther, till you reached a certain cave that had a sign that said "Warning! Dragons lurk and live nearby".

"Kenji! That's a perfect sign! Now no one will dare enter the cave"

"Yeah! And this will be our secret hideout"

"Hey! What is mom and dad get mad??"

"They'll never find this place!"

"Yeah Tatsu it's to far into the woods!"

"Okay then!"

You entered the cave and saw a luminescent rocks and put them in your satchel. You looked around and went deeper into the cave. There was a little path leading to what sounded like water. You were about to go when you heard a voice call your name.


Before you walked out you changed your scaled back to their normal hue.


You saw exited the cave to see Denki, Sero, and one fine-- I mean annoyed looking looking prince.

'What's with the sign??'

'Oh, that. My brother and me made it to scare people off from come near here'

'Okay, so we asked around and no one knew where they had gone'

'Uhm...Okay, I just need to check the cave and we'll be done here'

'Weren't you just in there'

You looked at the ember eyed prince with a dull expression.

'Yes, but the cave it deeper than it looks, so I gotta check everything to make sure'

'Okay me and Kaminari will stay here, Bakugou can go with you'

'What?! I'm not going with her'

'Awe how sad. What are you scared to enter the dark and gloomy cave?'

'Hah? I'm not scared idiot! Let's go already'

He walked into the cave and you looked at Denki and Sero with confusion.

'He doesn't like people thinking he's weak or scared'

Denki "whispered" as you formed an "O" shape with your mouth and walked in after him. You caught up to him and he'd just occasionally glance at you as you walked ahead of him. Your scales turned from their natural hue to a black and a very dark navy blue. Bakugou didn't pay much attention.

'Ugh, how much longer do we have to walk?'

He said, annoyance clear in his voice.

'We're here Mr. Prince-y who can't handle walking with his own two feet'

He glared at you and you just walked away not caring for his glare. He opened his mouth and was about to yell but you flew straight up into the sky. His eyes followed you but quickly moved to scan his surronding.

'Where the fuck are we? Isn't this supposed to be a cave?'

'Well the reason my brother chose this cave for our "secret hideout" was because I went to far into the cave and got lost, so after that we found this place through a tunnel, so it's a cave connecting to a "hidden little paradise place" as my sister called it'

He rolled his eyes, not even caring about your long explanation.


You changed your scales back to your normal hue, once again, and walked out out into the light. You saw Mina and Kirishima there. The four of them stood up immediately when they saw you both come out the cave. 

'Y/n! Find anything?'

'Nope... We didn't find anything'

'So what now? Where else do we look?'

'How bout we get something to eat, then come back to this'

They all agreed and you led them to the best restaurant in the village. You entered and the cook recognized you immediately.

'Y/n! Darling, how have you been?'

'Good, uhmm, This is Ashido Mina, Hanta Sero, Ejiro Kirishima, Kaminari Denki, and Katsuki Bakugou'

'Nice to meet you all'

'I'm a fucking-'

You cover his mouth and drag him away by the collar. You pull him down to your height and whispered.

'Look people don't need to know we're traveling with a prince...There's a lot of people who want to kill them, they don't care if they'll fight back, as long as they kill them, so don't say anything about it'

He nodded reluctantly and you both walked back.

'6 bowls of your finest dish Hilda!'


She served you 6 bowls of ramen, and then when y'all finished that she gave you homemade brownies that you all shared and ate up quickly. You smacked the money on the table and you all left.

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