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The next morning Liliah, her family and Cedric sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast before they left for New York. Dumbledore attended for the whole ordeal to be keep secret, so naturally everyone knew about it. The Great Hall was almost full and everyone was whispering.

" Where is he?! Where is that prat?!" Fred yelled as he walked into the Great Hall.
He was fuming. When Lee had told him what he had heard about ten minutes ago, he snapped. Fred looked around the Great Hall and spotted his sunflower in the sitting with her family. He didn't miss a beat as he speed walked over to her. Liliah stood up, knowing this exchange would be easier if she already standing. He didn't say anything just wrapped her in a hug as soon as he was close enough. Liliah didn't protest but just hugged back.

" I'm so sorry sunflower. I should have been there. I should've have just gotten detention again so I could be with you." Fred held her tightly to his chest.
" It wouldn't have mattered. He would have found a way. If not this time then just later." Liliah told him, but it was a bit muffled from being smushed by him.
" I'm going to make sure no one ever tries that again. If anybody even looks at you funny you tell me and I'll kick their ass." Fred pulled away and cupped her face.

Liliah chuckled.
" My hero." Liliah smiled.
Fred's heart fluttered. He made her laugh, and smile. He was the reason she was happy for at least a second. His favorite noise and smile was made by him. To say he felt proud would be an understatement.

" So I I'm better go..." Fred rubbed the back of his neck.
" Or you could stay. Hang out with me and my family." Liliah shrugged.
" Oh um yeah sure. Yes that's good." Fred stuttered.
Liliah smiled then sat back down in between her dad and brother. Fred was freaking out in the inside. He hadn't prepared to charm them with his wits and humor like he planned to do when he though about his perfect future with Liliah. Fred sat down across from Liliah between Wanda and Natasha.

" Hello Fred." Natasha smiled.
" Oh this is Fred?" Wanda raised her eyebrow.
Nat nodded with a sly smile. Wanda smirked and looked at the boy, her best friend regularly talked about.
" Nice to see you again Miss Romonoff." Fred looked at Nat.
Natasha threw her head back laughing.
" Please kid, call me Natasha. Miss Romonoff makes me sound old." Nat told him.
" And we wouldn't want anyone thinking that now would we?" Steve raised his gaze up to her.

" No, we wouldn't." Nat rested her chin in her hands.
" I'm Wanda." Wanda spoke up.
" Oh hi, I'm Fred." Fred turned his attention to the girl on his other side.
" Wanda is one of the new recruits I was telling you about." Liliah told him.
" Yes and the most attractive one." Cedric flirted.
" Ew stop trying to fuck my family members it's weird." Liliah scrunched her face up.
" Stop having hot family members." Cedric retorted.


Liliah gave her dad one last hug before he boarded the quinjet.
" I love you Li." Steve squeezed his little girl one last time.
" I love you too dad. I'll see you in a few weeks for New Years." Liliah smiled.
" And your birthday." Steve added.
" Yes right of course." Liliah pulled away.
" Bye honey." Steve kissed the top of her head.
" Bye dad." Liliah said.

She waved one last time to her family as they started up the jet. After they took off Liliah started walking back to the castle. She successfully missed her first class she walked down the corridors to DADA. She heard mumbling and turned down the next corridor to see Hermione talking to her self.
" You good?" Liliah asked making her way to the third year.
" Oh umm yes-no...I'm quite upset honestly." Hermione told her.

Liliah nodded and lightly grabbed her arm. She pulled her to a widow seat and sat her down then she sat next to her.
" Talk to me sister." Liliah patted Hermione's leg.
" Well, I was just in divinations. And well she-Professor Trelwany I mean- she told me that I couldn't see into the future because I'm too dull." Hermione looked down.
" Your not dull Hermione. Your very interesting and fun to hang out with, it's just you have a set way of thinking. It isn't bad it just not Trelwany way of thinking." Liliah explained.
" Thank you Liliah." Hermione hugged the older girl.
Liliah let a oof noise at the sudden empact back hugged back.

They pulled apart just as Harry and Ron ran up to them.
" Li-Liliah." Harry tried catching his breath.
" What's wrong with you two?" Liliah asked.
" We just came from divination. And Professor Trelwany had a vision." Ron said.
" And you believe what ever rubbish came out of her mouth." Hermione asked.
" I don't think it's was rubbish." Harry told her.
He sat down next to his sister and she turned to face him.

" She said that there was a war coming. That the events through out the next two years will all result in totally mass destruction war." Harry explained.
" Harry. I've know Professor Trelwany a long time. She's never been right about one of her 'predictions'" Liliah placed her hand on his shoulder.
" I guess will find out tomorrow." Ron shrugged.
" What do you mean?" Liliah looked at him.
" Well she said the first set of bad news will appear tomorrow." Ron told her.

Liliah's stomach began to twist in knots. The same feeling she got during every mission during the whole Ultron situation. She suddenly became nervous and her danger radar started going haywire in her brain. Still she put on a brave smile and turned to her younger brother.

" Everything will be fine."


Liliah couldn't sleep last night. She kept thinking about her boggort. Sure she was afraid of her family leaving, it made since they were her whole life. The thing Liliah couldn't wrap her head around was why did they fade away? Why did she see six different colored circles?

Liliah rubbed her eyes under her glasses and sat down at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. She poured some tea and pretended it was coffee. She grabbed a muffin and placed it on her plate. She just stared at it. The blue and yellow circles looked awfully familiar, but where has she seen it before. Liliah didn't realize she was staring hard at her muffin as she thought.

" You mad at your muffin?" Fred asked with a small chuckle.
Liliah blinked out of her trance and looked up. Fred was taking a seat across from her.
" Oh umm no. I was just thinking." Liliah shook her head of her previous thoughts.
" You want to tell me what you were thinking so intensely about?" Fred asked.
Liliah went to say something but was interrupted.

" I told you! I said Trelwany was right!" Harry sat next to her showing her the Daily Prophet.
Liliah looked at her brother before looking down at the front page. She read the head line and the article below it.
" Who's Peter Pettgriw?" Liliah asked.
" Mom and Dads secret keeper." Harry said.
Liliah's head shot towards him.
" He escaped Azkaban? The person who almost killed you, mom and pops?" Liliah asked.
" That's what it says. I told you Li. All events are leading up to the war. The end. Starting with this." Harry pointed to the paper.

Liliah looked back down at the picture with the man with a cunning smirk and cruel, unapologetic eyes.
" It's all happening." Harry said.

Authors Note: May I present....Dane Dehaan as Peter Pettgriw

Dane Dehaan as Peter Pettgriw

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