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Bucky groaned and opened his eyes. In front of him was Steve, Liliah and Sam. Bucky turned his head to side and saw his metal arm trapped.
" Steve." Bucky looked at him.
" What Bucky I'm a talking to?" Steve asked.
" Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspaper in your shoes." Bucky chuckled at the last part.
" Can't read that in a museum." Steve nodded.
" And just like we're suppose to be cool?" Sam asked.

" What did I do?" Bucky asked.

" Enough."
" A shit ton."

Steve and Liliah answered at the same time.
" Oh god I knew this would happen. All that stuff HYDRA put in me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words." Bucky told them.
" Who was he?" Steve asked.
" I don't know." Bucky shrugged his free shoulder.
" People are dead. The bombing, the set up, was just all so this guy could get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better then I don't know." Steve told him.
" He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. Exactly where." Bucky tried remembering.

" Why would he need to know that?" Steve asked.
" Because I'm not the only Winter Solider." Bucky answered.

" Who were they?" Steve asked.
" Their most elite death squad. More kills in HYDRA history and that was before the serum." Bucky explained.
" They all turn out like you?" Sam asked.
" Worse." Bucky said.
" I swear to god if I have to fight one more mother fucking super solider I'm going to lose my shit." Liliah looked up.
" The doctor. Could he control them?" Steve asked.
" Enough. Not a shit ton, but enough." Bucky answered.

" He said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve recalled.
" With these guys he could do it. They speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They could take a whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming." Bucky told them.

Sam walked over to Steve and Liliah.
" This would have been a lot easier a week ago." Sam said.
" If we call Tony..." Steve started.
" He won't believe us." Sam finished.
" But even if he did..." Steve said.
" Who knows if the accords would let him help. And it's not fair to ask him to go against them. He believes in it so we have to respect that." Liliah told them.
Steve nodded and tried to think.
" I know a guy." Sam whispered.

Both Liliah and Steve looked at him then each other.
" So do I. And it's time to get his ass out of retirement." Liliah smiled.


Liliah sat in the back seat next to Bucky in a slug bug car. Sam was in the passenger seat. Steve had gotten out to talk to Sharon. The three sat in an awkward silence.
" Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked.
" No." Sam didn't hesitate.
Bucky sighed and moved to the side closer to Liliah.
" Oh my god. If you move one more inch closer to me I'm going to rip off your metal arm and strangle you with it." Liliah looked at Bucky.

" Are you sure your Steve's daughter?" Bucky asked.
" Are you sure your not crazy?" Liliah retorted.
" So Li. When can I use your wand?" Sam asked.
" Soon. Maybe when all this is over." Liliah told him.
" Wand? What are you a fairy?" Bucky asked.
" Try witch." Liliah said.

The three went back into an awkward silence. They all saw Steve kiss Sharon. Both Sam and Bucky smiled and nodded. Liliah gaged and acted like she had just been blinded.

Steve returned back to car and they drove to another area in the airport parking lot. They stopped a spot away next to a white van. Clint and Wanda got out of the van. Steve got out first while Sam got out and pushed forward his seat. Liliah tried to get Bucky to hurry up so she could get out.

" Clint!" Liliah ran to him.
" Hey Lils." Clint smiled and held his arms out to her.
Liliah ran into his embrace and hugged back.
" I missed you." Liliah told him.
" I missed you too kid. Look at you when did you get so tall?" Clint asked pulling away.
" Probably when I turned seventeen." Liliah said.
" Your not that old can't be. Because I'm still as young as when you were a toddler." Clint joked.
" Maybe we're both getting older." Liliah raised her eyebrow.
" Me? Never." Clint shook his head.

Liliah chuckled.
" How's are other recruit?" Steve asked Clint.
" Oh yeah. He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but he should be ready to go." Clint opened the back door.
The man sleeping in the back sat up and looked around. He got out of the van and stared at Steve.
" Woah Captain America." The man shook Steve's hand.
" Mr. Lang." Steve said.
" It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. It's Captain America. I know you too your great." Lang looked at Wanda.

" I like him." Liliah nodded in approval.
" Oh wow. Your Liliah Rogers. I'm Scott Lang, my daughter loves you." Scott told her.
" Nice to meet you Scott. Your daughter has good taste. Maybe I could do something for her as a sorta of thanks for helping us out." Liliah told him.
" Really? Yeah that would great." Scott said.

" Focus Tic-tac." Sam told him.
" Oh hey man. Uh good to see you. Uh about what happened last time I saw you..." Scott started.
" It was a great audition but it will never happen again." Sam cut in.
" They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked.
" Something about psycho assassins." Scott guessed.
" Yeah something like that." Liliah chuckled looking at Clint.

Clint just shrugged.
" This mission is out of the law. So if you come with us your a wanted man." Steve told him.
" Yeah well what else is new." Scott said.
" We better get moving." Bucky spoke up.
Liliah jumped a little and turned to look at him.
" Dude I honestly forgot you were there. You need to speak up more." Liliah placed her hand over her heart.
" We've got a chopper lined up." Clint told him.

Suddenly a voice speaking Russian came over the speakers of the airport.
" There evacuating the airport." Liliah translated just seconds before Bucky could.
" You speak Russian?" Bucky asked.
"Да. Так держать, Барнс." Liliah told him.
Translation: Yes I do. Catch up Barnes.
" Впечатляющая кукла, но разве ты супер-солидный?" Bucky asked.
Translation: Impressive doll, but are you a super solider?

" You know what I think I prefer you quite." Liliah said in English.
" Everyone suit up." Steve told them.

Authors Note: Okay so Liliah is a little hard on Bucky. And I love Bucky with my whole heart but I don't think that Liliah would be his biggest fan. No they are not having flirty banter there just both trying out wit each other. This is not I repeat not a Enemies to Lovers type deal. Liliah's only love interest is still and only will be Fred. It's just Liliah and Bucky are from completely different parts of Steve's life and they are sorta competing against each other sorta like Sam and Bucky. Thank you for reading and have an amazing day or night depending on when your seeing this 💛

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