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" So you asked Cho to the ball that's exciting." Liliah took a bite of her toast.
Her, Cedric and Fleur sat at the Gryffindor table at Breakfast. Cedric and Fleur sat in the same side with Liliah across from them.
" Yeah. I'm honestly really happy to be going with her." Cedric smiled.
" That's magnificent." Fleur squealed.
" What about you Fleur?" Cedric asked.
" Roger Davis asked me. And I said yes." Fleur told them.
" That's great. Roger is a really great guy." Liliah smiled.

" And who gets to take the belle Liliah." Fleur asked.
Liliah open her mouth to reply but was interrupted.
" I'm doomed." Harry slumped down next to his sister.
" What's wrong Haz?" Liliah asked.
" The Yule ball is whats wrong." Harry said.
" Having lady problems?" Cedric asked.
Harry's head shot towards the side where Cedric and Fleur sat. He didn't even notice them sitting there, he just saw his sister and made a beeline for her.

" Umm something like that." Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
" Walk us through it babe." Liliah told him.
" Well, I have this person I want to ask to the ball. But this person is very popular and attractive so I bet they have tons of people after them. Also I don't know if this person likes me back. I'm scared to ask." Harry told them but looked at Liliah.
" Harry, people like guys who are confident. If you walk up to this person and be straight forward they will say yes." Liliah said.

" That's terrible advice." Harry told her.
" Wha-no that's good ass advice." Liliah's mouth dropped open.
" Oh yeah be confident and straight forward that's rich coming from you. Fred confesses his love to you everyday and you shut him down. If Fred can't get you. How I'm I suppose to get my person?" Harry asked.
Liliah had no words, he knew he was completely right.

As if on cue Fred and George walked into the Great Hall and to the group.
" Good morning sunflower." Fred smiled.
" Hi Fred." Liliah said.
" So I was thinking I take you to the Yule Ball. So what do you say darling?" Fred asked.
Liliah looked at her brother before back at Fred.
" Okay sure." Liliah nodded.
" Come on sunflower I'll show you- wait did you say yes?" Fred looked at her dead in the eyes.

" Yeah. I said I would go with you." Liliah confirmed.
Everyone's mouth dropped open.
" Oh my god. It's happening it's actually happening." Fred looked at his twin.
" It's the end of the world." George said.
" I'm I dreaming? Is this real life?" Cedric asked.
Fleur had heard the story of Liliah and Fred but she wasn't all that surprised. It definitely sounded like Liliah and Fred were in love. Harry couldn't even form a full sentence.

" I'm going to the Yule Ball with Liliah Rogers!" Fred yelled jumping up and down.
Liliah shook her head but a smile appeared on her face. Fred jumped over the table to Liliah's side. Liliah flinched and Fred pulled her up. He hugged her and spun her around. Liliah giggled and let Fred have his moment.


Harry laid his head on Liliah's lap while they sat on the couch in the common room. Harry had just been rejected by Cho and found out the two people he liked were going together. He didn't tell Liliah who rejected him just that he was rejected. And Liliah didn't pushed it just comforted her little brother. She gave him a head rub she knows he loves so much to help him feel better.

The portrait swung open and Ron walked in with Ginny and a few others.
" It's okay. It doesn't matter." Ginny told him.
Harry sat up.
" What happen to you?" Harry asked.
" He asked Fleur Delcoure to the Yule Ball." Ginny told them.
" What?" Hermione asked.
Liliah, Harry and Hermione all walked over to Ron and Ginny.
" What did she say?" Harry asked.
" No of course." Hermione said
Ron shook his head.
" She said yes?" Hermione asked
" But she's going with Roger Davis." Liliah said.

" Don't be silly. There she was walking in the hall. You know how I like it when they walk. And I couldn't help it. It just sorta slipped out." Ron told them.
" Well he kinda screamed at her. It was a bit frightening." Ginny said.
" What did you do then?" Harry asked.
" What else? I ran for it." Ron told them.
Liliah threw her head back laughing. She could just imagine Ron yelling at Fleur then fucking bolting.

Ron glared at her.
" Sorry that's pretty funny." Liliah shrugged.
" Liliah. You have a package. I saw Led Zeppelin with it when I went to send a letter." Angelina Johnson handed Liliah a large box.
" Thanks Angie." Liliah smiled.
" Hey guess who asked me to the Yule Ball?" Angelina pulled Liliah away from the group.
" Who?" Liliah asked.
" George." Angelina smiled.
" That's amazing Angie." Liliah hugged her with her free arm.

" Yeah. And the whole school knows your going with Fred. So..." Angelina started.
" Will probably spend a good majority of the evening together with our dates." Liliah finished.
" Yep. So what do you say. You want to get ready together then meet the boys in the Great Hall?" Angelina asked.
" Sounds perfect. I bet this is my dress." Liliah lifted the box in her hand.
" I bet so too. I can't wait. I've been crushing on George for the longest time." Angelina gushed.

" Will I'm not surprised he asked you. I mean who wouldn't love to go out with you." Liliah complimented.
" Fred that's who. You have that boy wrapped around your finger and don't even realize it." Angelina teased.
Liliah blushed.
" Fred's just stubborn and wants what he wants when he wants it." Liliah shook her head.
" He must really like you then to stay around for so long." Angelina told her.
" I think that's just his stubbornness." Liliah chuckled.

The two girls began walking up the stairs to their dorm.
" So do you think you to will become an official couple after the ball?" Angelina asked opening the door to their room.
" No. Fred will probably move on and leave me alone. I mean his finally getting what he wants a date. After that I'm sure he'll leave." Liliah shrugged.
Even though Liliah tried acting nonchalant her heart stung at her own words.

The thing is no matter how much they hurt her she believed every word. Who would stay around for her?

" I think your wrong. If anything I think Fred will become more obsessed with you." Angelina told her.
" Maybe. Probably not though. But no time to think about that. Let's talk hair styles." Liliah changed the subject.

Angelina then began talking frantically about her dress and how she wanted her hair. Liliah smiled and nodded as she listened.

In the boys dorm Fred laid in his bed his heart beating out of his chest. He was finally taking his sunflower out on a date. He wasn't sure he would be able to sleep a wink that night he was so excited.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now