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jsjsjsjjjsjjs give me requests it can be horny or not or fluffy as fuck


edit: mfs ik u readings this give me requests

edit edit:

actually imma have a limit to what yall can request cuz i bet one yall gonna ask for like some freaky fetish and im not doing that lmao I'm sorry but no homies 😭

first of all no writing random shit in the comments unless its a request cuz guys the title literally says requests i deadass cant think for myself

-no weird ass fetishes (none that shit and fucking feet fetishes cmon yall)

-no like "depressed" shit like tf? it can be a bit of angst where they can get like in an argument and in the end wow yay they feel better but i aint writing depressed shit that's too personal for some and me

- no poly cuz if yall ask for hank/sanford/deimos imma lose my shit cuz its right in the title bitch read the fuckin title

nun wrong with poly just that this is just for Sanford and deimos

-no non concent kinda shit

- no x reader because that brings me to the dark side of 2017 me

it can be gorey and there can be nsfw i will let that pass

im honestly chill af like yall my homies automatically but theres a fuckin line hoes

otherwise no fuckin creepy shit

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