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notes ig

if ur an anti why the fuck are u searching up sanford/deimos, u rlly obsessed with finding these fanfics

or are u secretly a sanmos shipper in denial 👁️👁️ caught yo ass in 4k ultra hd

i'm sooo creative with titles

also i drew the picture above

this has sexual scenes like 99% of the time, but hey I'll throw in some fluff in it since it dont always gotta be hornæ, but ik u mfs want the gay shit (some of you guys at least)

anyway imma stfu (i didnt stfu my bad)- and also i havent written in my two fuckin years so bare with my ass

sry hank is non existent but we gotta focus on just deimos and sanford cmon

also ill try to make this as detailed as possible, I don't want it to be too bland so yeah

but im also like really dry now that im reading back to it

theyre dating already in this plot so shut they just never fucked

okay my cracked out headass gonna stfu now so anyway

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      Deimos let out a heavy sigh, sitting up properly and lifting his arms to stretch, he was pretty exhausted, even after resting for so long. He looked around the room, he still really wasn't fully awake but he felt as if something was missing. His hazy memory didn't really let him remember for a couple seconds, till it clicks to him:

Where the hell did Sanford go?

Deimos was self aware that he was drowsy, but that tall, muscular man isn't that hard to spot either way, so he wondered where he was. Usually, he does tell Deimos where he's going, but at the same time he doubted that Sanford wanted to wake him up just to tell him something he probably wouldn't be able remember. Either way, he knew he'd be okay, Sanford is a pretty intimidating guy so there wasn't that much worry about him getting hurt.

Deimos looked over to his alarm clock, it showed that it was 2 PM.

He really slept for that long? He can't remember what happened, and he doesn't even know how he got to his bed, he just recalls that he was in a car, Sanford being the one driving of course, and during their drive he dosed off, maybe Sanford carried him here?

Well, no shit, it's not like some magic spelled was used thay just made him teleport to his bed, but otherwise, he adored the thought of his boyfriend carrying him, it made him feel a bit of a warm, and somewhat tingly, yet he kinda was a bit pissed he wasn't awake, he wanted to experience that.

He let his thoughts roam, he still felt a little exhausted even after such a lenghty rest, and he also felt pretty comfortable in his bed, so he didn't bother moving. From the nightstand, he reached over for his phone, unlocked it, and started distracting himself by looking through his social media apps. There wasn't much interesting things to look at, until he did started scrolling through Instagram.

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