7 (short/hurt no comfort shit)

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yall seeing my dumbass post for once 👀👃👀

my dumbass out here being the edgy anime antagonist 😭😭✋

i got a request for jealous deimos but yknow since i like to fuck things up then-

sad jealous deimos??

but im not gonna make this fluffy and cute like being jealous isnt good in my experience and like im literally gonna project honestly lmfao

tw:// abandonment (issues/triggers)


A furious Deimos standing at the doorway.

Hands clenched, eyebrows furrowed.

He looked like a pouty child.

Sanford and Hank testing out some guns together.

Without him.

He never enjoyed the feeling of being left out, it was possibly one of his biggest worries, but hell, his main issue was how close Sanford and Hank were.

He wanted to intervene of course, to tell Hank to fuck off. But c'mon, Hank looks like he can rip him in half. He was pissed, but knew his boundaries.

It's not like he wants to feel this way, he always questioned why. Was there a reason?

Fuck yeah, he was just too embarrassed to say what.

He felt pure, raw jealousy. It hurt him to feel that way, but he couldn't control it.

Was he too insecure?

Fuck yeah, of course.

He felt scared, he felt nauseous, what was this feeling flooding in?

He felt like he couldn't stay much longer standing there. They didn't even acknowledge his existence to begin with.

Sanford seemed genuinely happy, he was laughing. But it wasn't because of Deimos, it was because of Hank.

Deimos hated that.

Does Hank make him more happier?

Maybe he isn't good enough.

Is Sanford better off with Hank?

Does he like Hank more than Deimos?

Deimos was leaving the scene already, it was too much to handle, this felt too similar. He needed to go away.

Deimos wasn't affected by emotional pain as much anymore, but this?

It really fucked with him.

His veins hurt, his jaw hurt, a lot hurt.

He was too overwhelmed that it hurt him physically too.

Deimos ran off, not too far of course, but far enough to be hidden.

He leaned against a building wall, and fucking let it all out.

Tears streamed down his face.

Why did he feel this way?

He always asked that.

To cope, Deimos lit up a cigarette quickly, feeling a bit more calm when the intoxicated air entered his body.

How could his past still hurt him?

He needed to let it go.

But it wasn't so easy.

Deimos didn't feel good enough.

Will Sanford find better?

Sanford doesn't need Deimos.



lmfao sorey for another short, i deadass projected my emotions onto deimos 🏃

now im not fucking venting lmfao dw about me i just want y'all to know that jealousy isnt like rlly cute and can sometimes stem from rlly fucked shit ajfjsjjdjahjcjskakamajsksk just sayin

next chap might be sumn more serious and longer, i promise

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