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you know what? fuck you. *changes it to fluff*

(im sorry i have no ideas on how to make this smut ill try to write something good 😭😭😭😭 ill make up for it I promise wahh)

i believe in deimos having sharp teeth supremacy, amen 🙏🙏

i drew everything on this book so far sssssss

grrrrrrjrhfjehjcjs im tryna get these out as quick as possible but i have the iq of a rock so sometimes i cant think of what to write im tryin my best

trigger warning;; dead bitches and blood ig? not that much tho

honk is here this time like c'mon we gotta love him

okay imma shut the fuck up for real this time

requested by



okay i got it B)


Dropping the cigarette on the floor, Deimos slouched over a little, today was quite dull, nothing much entertaining was occurring. He looked up, the sky was the same, crimson hue. Nothing out of the ordinary.

He was thinking of what to do with the others today, maybe they can all come to an agreement for once and have something nice and enticing to do.

He walked over to his boyfriend, Sanford, and patted him on the back, "Hey Beefcake, where's Hank?" Sanford shot a quick, withering gaze, what an odd nickname.
"He's inside, probably being edgy or something like usual." Sanford joked, Deimos nodded, "Alright, c'mon." He said, the taller man feeling small fingers grasp at his own extremity, which made him feel slightly flushed. 

Deimos walked over to the run down building, Sanford following since Deimos was holding his hand, and he didn't want to let go. The door opened by itself, once Deimos reached inside, it reeked of dissolution, well, of course it did, since there was a bunch of dead grunts and agents everywhere. Yet, he was used to it, he simply walked over the bodies and went to find Hank, Sanford still pursuing behind him. Eventually they did find Hank, he was cleaning off some sword, the cloth filthy with blood.

"Hey Hank, can I talk to you guys real quick?" Deimos asked, Hank simply nodded, he was not much to talk- well, it's not like he could really talk with his disfigured jaw, so they all learned sign language just to be able to understand him. Deimos let go of Sanford's hands, who secretly to himself, got kind of upset about that.

"Well today is fucking, boring as hell.." He started off, quickly pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with his thumb. "-maybe we can play like, hide n' seek or something, I don't know." He shrugged, the two taller guys were silent. Deimos looked up when he saw Hank move his hands:

"We aren't 5, Deimos." He signed with his hands, which Deimos scoffed to, "C'mon you already killed all those bitches, so this building is unoccupied, it's childish as hell but we got nothing better to do, right?" Hank thought about it, then sighed and nodded, that killing machine actually agreed to do something, and now that Deimos thought about it, it was actually easy to convince him.

He looked over to Sanford, who just shrugged, "I guess?" He said, unsure of what to say. "Alright, now who's gonna be the seeker?" He said, showing off a smile. He actually got them to agree to something, and something that's frivolous too. But it's a break from all massacre they got to deal with.

"Rock, paper scissors." Hank motioned with his fingers, in the end, Sanford had lost, so that made him the seeker. "Alright well just go hide." He said, shooing them away with his hands, he closed his eyes, pacing back and forth around the room. He felt dumb doing this, but maybe it'll be fun, he just thinks it's odd for some grown men to play such a silly game in a building that was basically covered with dead bodies and blood, but hell, Deimos seemed pretty excited, so he'll do it for him.

After a while, Sanford began searching, he tried to be quiet, but his boots made a slight clanking sound each step, and it was hard to keep serenity in a building that was a gravestone to some. He heaved after running around for so long, the edifice wasn't small, so he had to sprint up a lot of stairs. He checked multiple rooms, trying to see if there was any hints of something being disturbed.

He saw a stepped-on cigarette lying on the floor, he knew Deimos was at least near. Eventually, he entered a room and noticed some oddly 'organized' boxes, they looked like they were pushed out the way from the opening of an extremely big closet. As he got closer, he began hearing shuffling, so he knew Deimos was definitely in there. He grabbed both door handles and vigorously opened the door, seeing a terrified Deimos rolled up in to a ball, he didn't seem like he was expecting such an aggressive entrance. 

"You scared the shit out of me! Seeing some big, muscular man is quite terrifying, y'know!" He said, frowning. Sanford felt the closet doors shut themselves, turning his attention back to his partner, crouching down and sliding over to Deimos. "Sorry.." He said in a quiet tone, reaching over to Deimos to hug him.

Deimos was a bit irritated at first, but was quickly serene being in Sanford's arms. Sanford wasn't letting go of Deimos, he felt extremely mellow for the first time in forever, he can't recall the last time he was able to hug him, they just never got a break.

Sure, it was kinda bizarre to be basically snuggling within a closet, but it was a pretty isolated place. Sanford took this chance to start kissing Deimos' face, the closet was of course extremely dark, but it was incredibly big as well. "Sanford- we aren't doing Seven Minutes in Heaven."  Deimos said jokingly, he didn't mind the kisses, but from all places he chooses a closet?

Actually, that's kinda funny.

"I just wanna give you love, dummy."

They spend a huge amount of time in there, making out, sharing kisses, and hugging and laughing together. They completely forgot what they were doing until the closet door opened, Sanford defensively covering Deimos incase of it being danger.

Yet, Hank stood there, making noises that indicated anger.

"I was stuck hiding in a tight ass space for 30 minutes and you guy's are over here making out!" His hands motioned, he seemed pretty pissed.

Sanford didn't really care, at least he got some alone time with Deimos.


and if u dont get the closet joke then ms gurl 🚶

disappointed in myself ill make a longer one next time im sorry but my brain is drier then some bitches lips

also Puffer if you wanna request something else ill write it next im sorry for not fulfilling ur request

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