Chapter 6 - Realization

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      As I get up I think to myself that I am Chaos totally gonna murder this man bad . "Lol" I say as I Form 2 Odachi chainsaw samurai swords , "IT'S TIME TO DIE LARRY!!!!!!!" I get a running start then I leap in the air and take a swing with my right arm at Larry. One of my swords Stabs his stomach shredding his guts , "AUUUUGGGHHHHHHH" shouts Larry . He does 3 hand symbols "wtf?" I say in my head as I backflip toward the ground , Larry suddenly appears in front of me and swings as I block with both my swords both of them breaks from a wicked punch. "ZOOOOOOVVMMMM BAAANNGG" I hit a big ass Tree " AUUUGGGGGGHHH SHIT". Larry appears behind me and swings again I form a Helmet around my head & make Blades form out my arm and I spin in his direction " IM GONNA MURDER THIS DUMBASS!!!" I say to myself.

"SLLLLTTTSHHH" Larry's head falls off blood gushing out...

"Ugh finally over" I say as I sit down dirty as fuck . "AAUUUOOOOWWWWWWWWGGGGHHH" My body hurts like HELL what is this pain ???. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA It seems that you've thought you won maybe? You thought it'll be this easy to defeat me ? How naive you are child just as expected I've been watching you forever" Says Larry , "if I hadn't activated My reverse technique I probably would of died playing around too much . Listen I'm not gonna kill you watching you in pain brings me the most joy , but you have a strange ability I've seen something like this before a 100 years ago but compared to that guy your the worst". Then Larry throws me to the floor & teleports away.

"ZERO!!!" Echo shouts as she speeds to me "your bleeding heavily and bruised" , she rips off a piece of her shirt to tie around my neck to stop the bleeding as she puts me on her back I pass out . As I'm unconscious I hear a voice in my head "Zero it's me Onyx I'm finally able to read minds this far" , "Onyx? Damn bro you sound older now what's up ?" "First I have to say not to pick around in your brain or anything but why do you have so many secrets ? Why you didn't tell us your mom named you Jah (God) but your dad named you zero(Destroy everything) ?" , "Damn way to invade, but because it's a secret for a reason yeah Ik your you've always been one of my closest bros but yeah your right my official name is Jah but that's not for everyone to know I'm Chaos". "Bro your so lame Zero why do you like that name so much? But anyways that's besides the point".

"That Lukas guy that you admire so much isn't right , he works for those dudes that you guys escaped from and fought he put a front against that danger guy. he didn't really kill him he teleported away like that guy that whooped your ass". "Wait Wait wait huh??" I said confused and shocked, "Hold on Bro I'm not done explaining yet and Yk Sailor yeah he really isn't the same guy from when we were kids he's against us too , how do you think he got all that info and "scanned the area" people just don't have shit like that upfront in their systems. The only people you really can trust is a Echo & Jack , don't worry they know too I told them already & Jacks power is really air Ik you were wondering that , Jacks a nice guy I been poking around in your mind for a while now. Butttt Yeah bro hurry and get back to earth it's more for you to see then I can say we're waiting for you in Starlight City at the broken down train station we used to hang at bring your friends."

    I wake up still on Echos back it's been like 20 mins here we are at the portal to earth , it's a greenish orange color with a Black border . "NOW" Echo shouts and a Healed Jack sprints past us as fast as a Jet & Super punches Sailor before he can even comprehend what's going on I look at him in disappointment saying "Bro for real ? After all the years we knew eachother you were working for these people ?" As he falls unable to move Bc his core has been hit with force from a Maximum velocity air weighted punch. Lukas realizes what's goin on and says "oh so you know sorry it's has to be this way" as he attempts to charge a High beamed ray from his hand to kill us Echo drops me and instantly breaks his wrist "you didn't know you were still hurt from your lil stunt ?" She says.

        "You all should be ashamed of yourselves as much as we all wanted to escape this shit hole ya work for them ? If I wasn't so hurt I'd Murder all of you low lives" I say inna angry Tone to where my body is trembling. As we Jump into the portal the 3 of us As Jack Breaks it behind us with his new move reverse cyclone "Find your own way back punks". A Voice in the portal says in a Menacing Sweet voice " Where is your destination?" "Earth .... Preferably Starlight City"

       As I'm on Echo's back still I go in to deep thought I really thought Sailor was really official & my One of my day 1 bros to find out he siding with these weirdos we don't even know. I'm still trying to process all this shit going on I really just wanted to break out that place and get back home , well earth Bc I don't have anywhere to live anymore . Like Damn bro how could you be on some shit like that I really thought we was gang. More shit on my mind , I think back to the time I met echo we are close tho she's really a nice person and cool as fuck & she strong as hell . She and I would talk all then time after them exhibition matches and everytime we seen eachother at lunch or around that weird ass Jail or Facility or whatever that shit was , she always made sure I was feeling ok and calm me down from bugging the fuck out in there maybe Bc she has all her feelings in check idk.

         It's cool asf finding out Jacks real ability is Air manipulation I never heard of that before it sounds godly , maybe because we been in Jail for a while I never really went to school as much on the outside world shit was just not doing it for me  wish I could of went back tho . Starlight City is wicked it's a lot of shit that was goin on at that time Gang Violence , The "Guardians" or even if that shit is even still a thing , a whole lotta shit so you could say I was sorta a product to my environment . My anger issues were crazy I haven't really had a outburst since then tho sike I forgot I killed that boy Level the other day sheesh my memory sucks sometimes . "Do ya think we gonna to see them again ?" I ask to Echo & Jack , "Yeah most likely" they both say . Can't wait to see bro Onyx it's really been years.

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