Do the Right Thing

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Of course, things were never going to be quite that simple...






Tori lay, eyes open, nestled in the crook of Jade's arm, feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing. She felt light-headed, almost weightless, floating in a bubble of euphoria. I did it. I did it with Jade. And it was... perfect. Even down to the slight giggle as they'd untangled themselves and fallen back, exhausted, into bed, barely bothering to pull the covers over them, still bathed in the afterglow, damp with exertion.

And now it was dark. What time was it? Her mom would be wondering where she was. Screw it. She didn't care. Anything was worth a few more moments of lazy bliss, even if she got bawled out. She wondered whether Jade was asleep.






Jade wasn't, and hadn't been for some time. She lay awake, staring at the ceiling. Her body sang a song of pleasure, while her gut played chords of guilt.

She always suspected Beck cheated on her, even if she had no evidence of it, and she'd always maintained to herself that she never would. She wasn't a good person, she knew that, but this was one of the lines she'd always vowed she'd never cross, the one tiny patch of moral high ground that she could honestly lay claim to, even if she failed in every other aspect. She'd never cheat. And now here she was, cheating like a river-boat card sharp, and not just with anyone, either. With Tori. There was a school of thought among guys that said it was okay for your girlfriend to cheat with other girls, because that was hot, right? Heck, you might even get to join in. But she was pretty sure that that particular philosophy was only entertained by guys who didn't actually have girlfriends, or were likely to get one, and that Beck was in no way going to brush this off as girly hijinks.

She felt Tori stir, snuggle a little deeper into her side, and the delicate hand resting on her stomach began making little circling movements.

For a moment she feared it was heading downwards, that Tori was going to want to start all over again. She tensed. If she did, Jade knew she'd be helpless to resist, moral compass or no moral compass. Because if last night had been a revelation for Tori, it had been quite an eye-opener for Jade, too. Sex with Beck had been okay, but she'd valued it more for its daring, for the rebellion in doing it at all, than for the act itself. And it hadn't taken long for that to wear off, for her to suspect that Beck was getting more out it than she was. Half the reason they argued so much was that it gave her an excuse for putting it off. But this had been something else entirely. A whole different ball-game. Her dreams had been nothing compared to the reality of a hot, eager and willing Tori Vega writhing beneath her.

But the hand instead began to move upwards, carefully avoiding any unnecessary diversions, until it came to rest on her chest, the fingers gently touching the small silver necklace around her neck, and Tori looked up.

The morning after a one-night-stand can be a tricky affair. It's difficult to find something to say, to know where you stand. You can't say 'I love you' because you probably don't, and even if you did, it might not be reciprocated. The person laying in your arms might be thinking about their laundry list, or making plans, or regretting the whole thing and hoping you'll go away without too much fuss. It's an awkward moment.

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