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Pov: Vicky agrees to marry Malbonte to save the innocent

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Pov: Vicky agrees to marry Malbonte to save the innocent.

I was startled as my feet accidentally stepped over a body. I took a deep breath looking around; dead bodies lay all over the fields and the sky was painted in crimson, the deadliest of the sights around me.

"All these innocent people..." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

The view was so horrible; wings soaked red with blood, the remains of all sorts of creatures.

"I hate you, Malbonte!" I screamed with all my might.

My eyes searched for him in the midst of the spine-chilling landscape and found him on top of a high hill. Mustering all my courage, I flew straight at him.

"You rascal!" my voice was trembling with rage.

He silently observed me.

"How many will you kill? Isn't it enough?!" I glared at him.

"No, Vicky... It was necessary. This is war," he simply said.

"I understand the ones standing in your way but what about all the innocent souls?! As if you enjoy this bloodshed!" I spat out viciously.

"I said it was necessary," he repeated, brows furrowed.

"And how many more lives do you plan on taking? There is no one from authority left!" I exclaimed.

"Mom is dead, Dino is dead, Ge-Geralt..." my words were cut by the hiccups of cries, "Mimi and Lucifer are severely injured... No one else is able to stand up to you. So why continue this slaughter?" I demanded.

The flashbacks of the battle earlier passed before my eyes. Poor mom, poor Dino, poor Andy... Oh, Geralt, and all my gone friends... how will I miss you...

Malbonte was in deep thought for a few minutes. Finally, he looked up, a malicious grin plastered across his face.

"So you want me to stop?" he softly asked.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"And in return?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Anything... Anything, just stop this," I looked up at his dark orbs.

"Anything you say?" he paused for a second, "Then be mine."

Wha-at? Who does he think he is?!

"Have I misheard you?" I glared at him.

"In case you did, let me repeat, be mine," Malbonte smirked.

"No way!" I yelled.

"You want me to end this, right? I will not change my offer. Marry me and I will not touch a single soul, I assure you. Be my queen, and we will decide the fate of these worlds together," he grinned.

I took a moment to reflect. Did I have a choice? If I refused everything would get worse. But is it worth it to poison my life until eternity? All the deaths until today: Sammy, Adi, Laura, Andy, Dino, Geralt, Mamon, Azazel, Winchesto, Mom, hundreds of angels and demons... The list was endless and it would have continued if I didn't put a stop to it. Today. Now.

But what about my private life? I hate to admit but back then, when we kissed on the roof I might have felt something for him. However, after the brutal turn of events, my love was quickly replaced by hatred.

I didn't have a choice. I had to marry my enemy to save millions.

"So, you guarantee their safety? And mine too?" I coldly asked.

"Yes, I do. I swear," he added.

"Fine, I accept your offer." I nodded curtly, my stoic face not revealing inner feelings.

"Good," he extended his hand.

"Where to?" I looked at him quizzically.

'To end this once and for all, Shepha's gates," he said.

I sharply inhaled as my slender fingers intertwined with his rough digits.

"I will make sure you enjoy this, dear," he smirked as we approached the gates.


I looked at my reflection in the gold-framed mirror and adjusted my veil. I was going to be married in a few hours. A few days have passed since Malbonte defeated Shepha. It was time to fulfill the deal and become his wife.

"What will my life be like from now on?" I thought to myself, living with an enemy? Will my feelings ever change? I shrugged.

For now, it was just hatred, anger had slowly faded away, replaced with disgust.

"They are waiting for you, miss," an angel appeared at the door.

I nodded, glancing at the mirror for the last time, and slowly left the room.

Angels accompanied me while I went to Malbonte, who had demons on his side. Mimi and Lucifer were still not fully recovered, that's why they could only spectate the event. The balance between bride and groom was Malbonte's idea to represent the harmony between both sides.

"You look so beautiful," a lustful gaze was mixed with Malbonte's whisper.

I forced a smile, barely restraining myself from punching him. I had to admit he was looking decent in this suit.

"So do you," I whispered back coldly.

Our lips met as the myriads of angels and demons cheered; this was a public wedding. After the wedding was over, Malbonte pulled my hand, leading me inside.

"Come darling, we have a lot of work to do," he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

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