Please understand...SCHOOOOOOOL.

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I might not update until the weekend, all depending on wether or not I receive homework on Friday.

1. I have a writing essay today in homeroom. My teacher is going to take all of our phones, including mine, and putting it in a "Phone Jail". It's a metal box with a lock on it. This is so there will be no distractions. It's not like I'd take out my phone during an essay anyways, but the essay is 2 hours and 30 minutes, so after that I go to lunch. I could try to write there, but there's so many people and so much noise.

2. I have 4 sets of homework. 2 math, 2 robotics. Both of the math sets are due tomorrow, so I'll be busy all afternoon. In robotics, 1 is due tomorrow, and the other due on Monday. It's a study guide, which leads me to the next subject..

3. I have exams galore next week. They go in this order..

Language arts
Life skills (career planning)
World history

Gym's exam, I've heard, is easy, but that doesn't mean I won't study.

So, all in all, I'm busy almost all week.


Also, spring break is in 2 weeks.

-Em :3

P.s. I'm halfway done with my Kyle x reader part 2! :D

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