first glance

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y/n = your name

You and your band mate Elin had just went off stage after performing your song. You both were high on the adrenaline and jumped up and down or excitement.
"y/n WE DID IT!!!!" Elin said as she gave you the biggest hug.
"IKR! I think we nailed it!" you answered as you hugged her back.
"Now now, don't get too excited girls" you heard a raspy but ironical voice say. You turn around and see this tall man with blonde, messy hair staring at you with his blue eyes. He smiled, it was clear that he was trying to pick on you guys.
"You'll-" the blonde guy was quickly interrupted by another man punching his arm. "Shut up Joel, or I'll send some birds on you!" he looked at Joel with the cutest smile you had ever seen, his dark, messy hair covered some parts of his face.
"I'm sorry girls, my name is Aleksi, but you can call me Alex" he smiled and shook your hand. "And this is Joel" he said and pointed at the blonde guy.
"I'm y/n" you answered and shook Aleksi's hand. You glanced over at the blonde guy, Joel, once again and couldn't stop yourself from staring into his blue eyes. He seemed to notice as he waved his hand in front of your eyes. "Hello dear"
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm still high on the adrenaline" you answered and looked down onto the floor.
*how embarrassing* you thought as you studied the tiles of the backstage floor.
A stereo called out "Finland, you're up next! Prepare the stage"
"I guess that's our cue" Aleksi said as he looked you in the eyes and smiled.
"Nice to meet you all, good luck!" he said as he chugged Joel's arm. Joel was staring at you, biting his tounge. You couldn't determine if it was that he was thinking of something or if he was just holding in another ironical comment.
He winked his eye at you, turned around and ran upstage.

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