Chapter 1

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Talia's P.O.V

I'm so going to be late for school. Why didn't my alarm go off, I clearly remembered setting it, right ? Oh God, I'm so late.
I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could trying not to trip over the steps. I ran past the kitchen, struggling to wear my shoes. I saw my mum from the corner of my eye. I guess she's preparing her lunch. Mum's a police officer so she needs a lot of energy and I get my food from school since food money is included in the school bill.

" Hey mum, bye mum ". " Where do you think you're going young lady ? " I turned around a bit confused. " To school  " I answered but it sounded more like a question. Her face broke into a smile and she chuckled lightly. " Well, you can't go through 8 hours of school on an empty stomach." I couldn't help but smile as well. " Oh, mum, always so considerate. I'm not hungry and anyway I'll have lunch at school. "  " At least have an apple " she suggested tossing one at me . " Thanks mum, gotta go, BYE!! " I got out of the house just as the bus arrived. I heaved a sigh of relief and boarded it.
I found my bestie Jessica at the backseat and made my way towards her. " Hey Jess " I said, sitting down beside her. " Hi Talie ", she replied, a yawn escaping her mouth. I laughed . " How can you be tired, it's 7:45am " . She yawned again stretching a bit . " You know I don't function well without a complete 8 hours of sleep." " Okay, if you say so . Why are you early today ? ".
Jess never came early to school and it never bothered her even though she got detention for being late . I would never want a stain on my perfect record. " I'm supposed to be early, so I can settle my school bills. Dad forgot , again ".
It didn't take long before we arrived at school. Jess went to the admins office while I walked down the hall. Then I saw the rest of my friends

" Hey guys " I yelled, walking towards them " welcome back, Talia " Said Ariana. " It feels good to be back Ariana " I replied, receiving an approving nod from her. Ariana is a ginger from England. She moved here last year. She didn't really have anyone to talk to because she is so formal but I thought she was nice, so I got her into our friendship circle. " Oh, hey Talie " said Louisa,dryly, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned towards her and realised she wasn't even looking at me . " What's up Louisse? " . " I'm good although I was better before you arrived ". She muttered those last words but I heard her clearly. Why was she being salty.
Louisa was the typical definition of the popular girl. She was the queen bee of our year, really popular and her parents were freaking rich, so she always threw crazy parties that everyone wanted to be invited to. She had a long blonde hair, her huge curls falling down her shoulder. Her hair was always professionally done while I had brown hair with split ends. I never have the time to do my hair, so I just let it straighten naturally. She had  big blue eyes while I had poppy brown eyes, maybe I was way shorter than her or maybe those were just her heels . Why was I suddenly comparing myself to Louisa. I should be happy with how I am but I just can't help but to just wish I was half as beautiful as she was.
" Hey girls " exclaimed Jason. Jason was the only guy in our group of 5 . He is so cute. He had brown shaggy hair and green eyes. It probably didn't help that he had dimples as well. And I think Ariana has a crush on him because as soon as he arrived her face turned the shade of her hair . It was cute, I would so ship them of Jason likes her as well. As if he read my mind, he turned towards her, his smile wide and eyes sparkling. " Hey Ari, how was your summer break ? " he asked nervously.
That's it, set,sail, ship Arison. " It was very much enjoyable, thank you " the ginger replied. I'm pretty sure from afar, they look like tomatoes. This is so cute. " So um.... I was wondering if you were free this Friday. There's this new movie I really want to see and I thought you might like it. It's not like a date or anything, it's just like a hangout ". he rambled. Ariana blushed again and rubbed the back of her neck.
" I am not sure I have any plans for the weekend but if I do, I'll try to clear my schedule. " " Hey since it's a hangout, can I come ? " Louisa chirped in . No don't half the ship. " S-sure if you want. " Jason replied. She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. " You sound disappointed. Did you want to spend time alone with little Ari over here ? "   Jason's eyes widened and he waved his hands franctically. " No, no, it's not like that. It's just that I'll have to buy an extra ticket. Yeah, that's it " he replied "  " I can easily buy my own ticket " she said .
   " But, you don't know the movie". I felt an arm sling over my shoulder. " Hey guys, ya missed me ? " . I turned to see Jess but now she was wearing a hat . Backwards. " Welcome back Jessica. " Ariana said . " I see you haven't changed a bit Ariana " Jess replied, smiling. " I am supposed to change?, How ? " . Then we all laughed, leaving poor Ariana in a daze. " Oh and before I forget, guess who I saw at the bursary just moments ago ? " I looked around confused,  I turned to her and pointed to myself, " I feel like this question is directed towards me . " she rolled her eyes and scoffed. " That's because it is . " Well, I don't know, who ? "
" Zack Rivers. " Now it was my turn to blush . " So, what does that have to do with me... What was he wearing, not that I care or anything ". " Oh come on, we all know you have a crush on Zack " My friends nodded their heads in agreement. " Let's forget about Zack, this is the first day of senior year and before we know it, we'll all be headed for college so, let's make the most out of it " I said, enthusiasm filling my voice.
" Yes, I  agree . This year is going to be so exciting, I can feel it ." Just then the warning bell rang. " It's getting late, I'm going to sign up for the soccer team before there isn't a spot left " She said , about to walk away. " Yes, as usual . Goodbye sports geek . See you when I see you " I grinned to myself. This year is going to be amazing.

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