6. Crap I'm Going to Have a Baby?!

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"Let me drive you home," he said after a while. I nod and we walked to his car. I told him where I live as he drove me home.

As he parked in front of my house, he unlock the door.
"Thanks," I said and open the door to leave.

Luhan POV:

She walked out the car and start walking to her house. This might be the last time I'm going to see her. Suddenly, she turns her back and run toward the car.
She knock on the window. I scroll down the window.
"Oh I forgot, drive home safely!" She said and run back. I didn't even get a chance to tell her anything. But this feels nice; she cares about me.

Lin POV:
I tell myself to get him off my head. I shake my head thinking it might work, but instead it gave an odd feeling. Maybe I am sick? Lately I feel odd. Then my phone rang before I can suspect more. I pick it up, not looking at the number.
"Lin, this is Jason" the voice reminded me of all the guilt. I did contact Jason for a while. At first that night is an accident, but as times moves on, with Luhan, I am not sure of this anymore.
"Yes" My voice got softer.
"I was just wondering are you okay. I haven't see you in a while" Jason as always, kind and sweet. He is the perfect boyfriend, but not for me. Something is missing in this relationship.
"Sorry Jason" I don't know what sorry this is for: cheating or Luhan's kiss.
"Someone saw you..." He pause for a second,"on another guy's car." Did I expect this? Yes I did.
"He is just a friend"
Jason didn't answer for a second,"Okay..."
"Jason?" I decide to confess,"I think we aren't for eachother."
"Why would you say this Lin? We had been together for 3 years! What is the reason." As I expected he questioned why.
"We are just...I don't know, I don't feel that love with you." My voice is full of apology.
"Ok Lin" Jason pause,"Give me some time."
"Thanks Jason" I know Jason agree to break up.

-Hospital 1 week after-
The same doctor thàt took care of me last time. She ask me to sit down as she take out the file.
"So Lin, how you feel lately?" She ask.
I smile,"I feel a bit better." She writes something down. "But lately, I have this weird feeling. My sense got sharper and I'm sensitive to certain food." I waited for her to finish writing. After I moment, she finally look up.
"I will give you a blood test and urine taste" she said as she close the file. She then hands me a cup and ask me to pee in it. I went to the bathroom and did what she said.
After a while she comes back and reports. She analyze it and look up at me.
"Lin, are you married?" She ask out of nowhere.
"Huh? No" I answer confused.
"Lin, you are pregnent"
My mind went blank. I try to absorb that piece of information in. Me. Pregnent.
You gotta be kidding that I am going to have a kid?!?!
The doctor across of me hands me the report and another piece of paper,"One is the result and the other is different type of abortion or adoption options."
I just hold tight to the papers as I sat there. The doctor told me I am done with my check up and I can go. I don't even know how I walk out the hospital.
I put my hand over my tummy like I can feel a life in my tummy. In such a small amount of time, I already want to protect it forever.
By the time I finally can think, I am already home. Jenn and Brit is still at work, so the house is empty. I curl myself in a ball on the couch.
What I am going to do with this baby?

I am alive and I finally updated!

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