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Song: everything i wanted - Billie Eilish

He looked happier than usual today, and Hajime wondered why as he lightly shaped Oikawa's hair with his pencil on the paper. Iwa loved the way Tooru's eyes smiled before his lips or the way his voice pitched higher when he talked about something he loved. Iwa stared at Tooru as he ate his lunch, laughing and talking with their other friends, and wondered why Oikawa had chosen him to be his best friend when he could have picked from literally everyone.

The sun was shining brightly for the first time that year as winter slowly came to a close. It was the warmest day of the year so far, and a group of them had decided to eat lunch outside. Maybe that was it. Oikawa had always enjoyed warm weather. They sat at a secluded picnic table, shaded by a large oak tree. The air was surprisingly clean, and the wind blew softly.

Iwa continued to draw, outlining the shape of Tooru's eyes, jaw, and mouth. He took several prolonged pauses, taking time to smile at Oikawa's jokes. Fallen cherry blossoms fell slowly on his sketch, interrupting his light shading.

Caught up in his drawing, Iwa hadn't realized that the bell had rang. Only Tooru remained seated as the others walked back to class.

"Hey, Iwa? What're you drawing?" he asked, leaning across the table to get a better look at Iwaizumi's notebook.

Iwa jumped back and slammed his book shut before Oikawa could get a good look. "Get your nose out of it, Tooru," he warned.

Oikawa sighed and dropped his head. "Oh, come on! You're always so secretive about your sketches. I can't help but wonder what you've got hidden in that thing," he said with a suggestive wink.

At that, Iwa rolled his eyes. "Well, now I'm never showing you," he said, brushing the fallen cherry blossoms out of Oikawa's hair.

"Watch it! It takes forever to get my hair to look like this," Tooru protested, slapping Iwa's hand away.

Hajime smiled, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as Oikawa looked at him and laughed.

. . .

The school day seemed to go on forever and ever, the clock stuck in the same place. After what had felt like years, Iwa had never been more thankful for the sound of the bell.

He walked outside and waited for Oikawa at the bottom of the staircase, fidgeting with his necklace as he stalled.

Iwa couldn't help but smile when he finally saw Tooru jog down the stairs. "Sorry. I had to print something off for photography. You ready?" Oikawa asked, throwing an arm around Iwa's shoulder.

Hajime breathed out a laugh before walking down the street toward the coffee shop the two of them went to every evening after school let out.

"Hey, Iwa?" Tooru said, breaking the silence as they walked.

Iwaizumi looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Where are you going after graduation? It's just around the corner," he questioned.

"To be completely honest, I'm not sure. I didn't think I'd actually live this long," Iwa said jokingly.

Tooru sighed. "I'm serious. You could become an amazing artist, ya know. What do I have going for me, huh? Daddy's money and a path paved for me already. Nothing worth working for," he said quietly.

Iwa frowned. Tooru never talked about things like this. He was always so happy and carefree, and Hajime realized that he had never seen fear in Oikawa before. "Don't say things like that. Out of the two of us, you're the one who has the bright future. You're guaranteed success. Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about."

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