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Song: O Children - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

"Isn't it crazy how small we actually are?" Tooru said, pointing up at the stars above them.

Iwaizumi remembered this exact summer. It was hotter than usual the summer before their second year of high school, and Tooru had invited him to come with his family to their vacation cabin on their private property.

Hajime smiled. "I'd love to go to space one day. See the stars up close, ya know?"

He could hear the lake water rippling behind them, and the air smelled of forest and rain. Hajime loved these kinds of dreams. They were so detailed, he was almost convinced they were actually real.

"Maybe you can. Once you're a big artist with your own exhibits and famous works, you'll have enough money to go to space on one of those fancy tours," Oikawa joked, looking over at Hajime.

Iwa laughed. "Very funny, Tooru. As with most artists, if I'm ever famous, it'll be after I'm dead," he said, meeting Oikawa's gaze.

His eyes sparkled with the stars, the pure beauty in them made Hajime sigh. They stayed like that for a while, eyes locked in a moment of admiration.

"We'll both be alive to see you famous one day, Iwa. You can count on it," Tooru said, turning back to look at the sky.

As with all of his other dreams, Iwaizumi knew this moment wouldn't last long, and the peaceful air of Tooru's cabin in the woods drifted away. He tried to grasp for it, but Oikawa's panicked voice from far away pulled at him relentlessly.

"Iwa? Can you hear me?" Tooru whispered from beside him, the familiar voice bringing him back to the present.

Iwaizumi opened his eyes slowly, realizing where he was. The pain from his gunshot wound sparked up his body in waves of agony, blood still gushing out in pulses. He was in the room he remembered being in last. Nakashi's drug was gone along with Akaashi, Kenma, and Kuroo.

"Iwa?" Tooru whispered again from beside him. "They'll be back any second, so we need to come up with a plan."

They were both tied up with rope to wooden chairs, their legs and arms bound tight. Iwaizumi tried to move, but the rope chaffed at his skin and wouldn't budge.

"How long have I been out?"

"A couple hours. It's almost daylight now," Oikawa said, looking out the window, the sky pink with the coming sunrise.

Iwaizumi didn't know what to think or feel. Bokuto's death washed over him in waves of guilt and sorrow, and if Akaashi had meant what he'd said back there, no one would be coming to save them now.

"Iwa, you can't freeze up again, alright? Once they start asking questions, we have to have a plan," Oikawa said. His eyes were sunken with exhaustion, and dried blood was caked on his face.

Hajime nodded. If these men were going to ask them questions about Nakashi, then they should just keep their mouths shut. If word ever got back to Nakashi of their betrayal, they wouldn't be the only ones to die. Kuroo and the others would probably be killed too. "We shouldn't tell them anything. Kuroo, Kenma, and Akaashi would never give up any information if they were in this situation."

"What if we have to die for this?" Oikawa asked, his voice shaking.

Iwaizumi thought of Bokuto again, his blood splattered across the grass. Had they moved his body from last night? Or was it rotting outside on the front lawn? "Bokuto did, so maybe we should too," he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"You must hate me, right?" Tooru asked.

Hajime shook his head. "I could never hate you, Tooru. Never."

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