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Song: Space Song - Beach House

Everything was dull without Tooru.

It had been a little over a week since the fire, and Iwaizumi hadn't heard a whisper from his friend. With every unanswered text message and missed call, Iwa found himself spiraling.

He laid on his bed, staring at a framed photo of him and Tooru from middle school and noticed just how happy the two of them looked. Just how innocent.

Iwaizumi hadn't been to school since the incident, and today was the day he had decided to go back. His mom had agreed to drive him, not wanting him to linger too long outside of Tooru's destroyed house on his way to school. She hadn't come out and said that explicitly, but Hajime knew.

"Honey, are you ready to go?" she said from the doorway, her face falling when she saw what he was looking at so intently.

Iwa shrugged. "I guess so," he said, setting down the photo of Tooru and heading out to the car.

one month later

Iwaizumi sat alone at the fountain, waiting for someone he knew wouldn't show up. He sketched aimlessly in his notebook, and tried to remember the way Oikawa's face looked when he was smiling. No matter how much he drew and redrew, it didn't seem to turn out right. He grasped out for the details in his memory, but they only eluded him.

He waited an extra minute or two, hoping today would be the day, but it wasn't. It never was.

Hajime closed his sketchbook, unsatisfied with his drawing, and headed over to Nozy without Tooru for the 40th day in a row.

Knowing there wouldn't be an answer, Iwa called Tooru's phone again. It rang seven times, as it always did, before playing Oikawa's automated message.

This is Tooru Oikawa's cell phone. I'm probably super busy, so please leave a message and I'll return your call. Thanks.

"Where are you, Tooru? Please call me back. I miss you. Please," Hajime said before hanging up and shoving his phone back in his pocket.

Even though it had been over a month, the police had no concrete leads whatsoever. They knew two things for certain though: Tooru's family had been killed by a gun with the fire being a coverup and that the bullets found in the bodies matched the bullets found at the drive-by shooting.

Iwaizumi hadn't seen nor heard from Tooru since that terrible day, the aftermath of it still weighing on Iwa. He had nightmares sometimes, but he didn't mind too much because it was the only time he ever actually saw Tooru.

"Hey there, Iwa. How's it been?" Kuroo asked, already making Hajime's favorite cup of coffee.

"Same as yesterday," he responded, slumping against the counter.

Kuroo sighed, sliding Iwa's cup over to him. "Nothing from Oikawa?"


"I'm worried about him too, but I'm sure he's still reeling from what happened to his family," Tetsuro assured.

Hajime shrugged. "He could text me at least...I miss him."

"I know, but he has to take time for himself. He'll come back when he's ready."

Iwaizumi locked eyes with Kuroo, finding his concern endearing. "You're probably right," he said.

Tetsuro nodded, focusing his attention on the new customers coming in. "Trust Tooru. I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

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