Chapter 1

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Kate's POV

I grinned as I got out the car, opening the boot to get out my suitcase which contained weeks of clothing and millions of contacts along with glasses to aid my terrible eyesight. I closed the boot and waved to my parents as they drove off, leaving me at the harbour in my green plaid jacket, black tank top, cargo shorts and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles SnapBack that I got as an early birthday present.

The grin never left my face as I looked back on the day which involved partying, junk food and some tearful goodbyes. You see, today was the last day of school before the summer holidays and the start of year nine- the year where we get split up into our new tutor groups which many of us hate. So of course the posse and co are going on some sort of cruise where the boat is being provided by none other than Amy.

I grabbed ahold of my suitcase and wheeled it behind me as I walked through the crowd where precious goods are being carried and chatter buzzed around like a swarm of bees.

My eyes flickered around, trying to spot anyone of my friends or just anybody that I know out of the hoard of people. However I didn't exactly needed to see where they are as I felt my cap leave my head. I turned around to spot the running figure, already disappearing in the crowd with my cap in his hands.

"Yash!" I shouted, my Australian accent coming out crisp and clear as people turned to stare at me. I brushed off their looks as I ran after him still wheeling my luggage behind me and making sure it doesn't get in anyone's way. "Give it back!"

All I got was a laugh in response as we raced into an area that wasn't as crowded, my frizzy brown hair streaming out behind me as we neared all the fancy looking boats. I was pretty close to the dark skinned and black haired thief so me being the person I am reached out and grabbed his shirt making sure he doesn't get out of my reach.

"Give me my hat back Yash! You've got your own!" I whined as I tried desperately to get my precious tmnt cap from him.

"Calm down!" He said as held it out of my grasp.

"No! Not until you give me back my hat!" I continued to try and wrestle my hat free from his grip but then he decided to take pity on me and chuck it over my head. I let out a huff and let him go as I grabbed my SnapBack and fixed on my head. "Ass." I muttered as I started walking again, now seeing the posse and co in the distance.

"Mind your language." Chided Yash making me roll my eyes at him.

"Oh like you do?" I said, sarcasm woven through my words.

Before he could answer though I was greeted by a loud yell.

"My dove!" Screamed out a girl with blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She rushed towards me embracing me in a hug as I did the same.

"How are you my dove?" Ellie asked.

"I am fine my dove, and how are you?" I queried.

"I am well my dove."

"What the hell are you two doing?" Demanded Yash sounding like we just randomly started pole dancing while covered in whip cream.

"Shut up Yash, no one likes you." Said Ellie as we refused to let go of one another.

He just shook his head and joined in a conversation with his group of friends as our own came and join us. I listened as Eleanor (who was a ginger and had green eyes) talked about some of the stuff that was happening on her bus giving an extremely tall brunette who we all called Emma the opportunity to comment on the happenings.

Not too long after the whole gang was gathered we made our way onto the cruise ship, dragging our suitcases onto the massive form of transport and instantly claiming rooms while some of us decided to run around.

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