Chapter 4

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Amy's POV

Breathe. Just breathe.

I pushed through the vines in front of me and finally saw what we had been looking for.

"Finally something we can use!" Said Kate picking up some sticks and strong vines.

"These are perfect for holding daggers! And these vines would be perfect for a bow. Now all we need are the actual knifes" Said Kohana.

"Like we're going to find a knife lying around anywhere." I said finally finding my voice. At this I leaned against the nearest tree. At the contact I visibly flinched feeling something pinch my skin.

"What's wrong?" Kate asks clearly concerned.

"There's something in my pocket." I replied reaching in my pocket and coming across something cold. Confused, I pull the mysterious object out of my pocket and show it to Kate and Kohana.

"Amy you idiot! Why didn't you tell us you had this before?" Kate says hitting me on the head. Finally I look down to see what I was holding.

A Swiss army knife.

"You keep a Swiss army knife in your pocket?" Kohana asks

"Don't you?" I reply. The others just laugh and then start to walk back to the rest.

When we arrive back at the camp those who can walk rush towards us.

"Did you find anything?" Asks Yash running up to Kate and carrying her things.

After explaining our findings we gave them to Lily who is very crafty. Immediately she started muttering about using the vines to do something with something else. Walking away from her I look at the sky and see the sun setting.

"Guys come back lets gather up close and start to relax before we all fall asleep." I yell. Slowly every one starts to come towards me and sit down. John sits down next to Eleanor and Eleanor lays her head on his shoulder leaning into him ever so slightly.

"We are going to be ok right guys?" Ruby whispers half asleep. No one answers and I know we are all thinking the same thing. That we might not make it off this island alive. That's the last thing that crosses my mind before the world goes black.

I'm happy. Surrounded by friends. I wonder outside laughing while my friends follow. Now I'm underwater. I cant see anyone. I am alone yet I can hear the constant screaming of my friends. I swim to the surface gasping for air before another wave crashes against me. There is blood around me but I'm not sure if its mine or someone else's. I can't breathe. I can't think. I only know one thing for sure and that's that I need to escape.

I wake up with a start panting. The sun is just rising but I can't get back to sleep now that I've woken up. Looking over my shoulder I see John tightly holding Eleanor while Eleanor has curled up into him. Despite the situation I smile. If this was any other day I would be taking a million pictures of them.

Once the others have woken up I tell them to gather around me.

"What do you want Amy?" Asks TimTam clearly annoyed.

"Shut up for a second douche bag and just listen. We have no idea what's on this island right?" everyone nods.

"Well we do need to know more about this place if we are going to survive here." I say loudly to make sure everyone can hear me.

"So those who are mentally and physically able to walk follow me." I say walking a bit away from the injured. Eventually I have a small group of people looking at me: Ruby, Kohana, Kate, Yash, Michael, Lily, Ellie, John and Eleanor.

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