Chapter 3

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Kate's POV

My head was throbbing in pain, my throat felt dry and sore as I lay on something hard and what felt slightly damp. I lay there on the ground for a bit, focusing on the noises that surrounded me, waves crashing against one another, birds squawking away making my headache more intense than it should be.

I slowly peeled my eyes opened to see the bright blue sky that was overhead with fluffy white clouds moving around thanks to the wind. I slowly sat up, my body crying out in pain as I looked around. I sat on the damp sand with the waves kissing the shore beside me, my green plaid jacket was slightly ripped and wet along with the rest of my clothes. Further ahead of me were bodies of my friends all looking injured and hurt. Some of them even looked dead.

I got to my feet and walked over to a large rock, past all the bodies that I hope were sleeping and to the three figures that I recognised as Emma, TK and John.

"I'm glad you guys are alive." I commented, my voice sounding hoarse.

"Hopefully everyone is as well." Emma said, her eyes wandering over to our friends. I shivered slightly when I noticed a few of the scarlet streaks.

"Are you okay?" My best friend asked me, his eyes showing how anxious he is.

I nodded in reply, "what about you guys? You all look pretty banged up but no bad injuries, right?"

"No, I don't think so." TK said slowly. "How are we going to get home?" He asked, changing the subject as he looked at the turquoise ocean.

"I don't think we can." I replied to his question. "So far it doesn't seem like we can use anything to build a boat plus, I doubt any of us can navigate the seas."

Before anyone could reply though the sound of coughing caught our attention. We turned to see Eleanor sitting up, coughing her lungs out. Emma and John jumped off of the rock and raced over to her, checking if she was okay.

Soon enough everyone else woke up, a lot of us seemed... calm about the situation. Well compared to Lily that is as she started screaming and freaking out about how we were all stranded and that we all have a possible chance of dying which we didn't even bother to argue with. But she calmed down after Ellie and Emma said a few things to her and fixed up her head wound along with her wrist that was sprained. They did this to Kriti as well since she had painfully twisted her ankle.

When we were done fixing up those that were injured, which sadly left us with no medicine, antibiotics, bandages or anything we quickly counted those of us that were alive and standing making it known that there's now only three sleeping people: Maxie, Rikkie and TimTam.

However Rikkie was most likely not to wake up due to how severe his injuries were, deep cuts were shown everywhere on his body, his leg was at an odd angle, bones were sticking out and half of his face had his skull exposing. We stared at the body in silence, John hugged Eleanor as she squeezed her eyes shut while Michael grabbed Amy's hand as if to reassure her that everything was going to be alright. Lily, Emma and Kriti looked away not wanting to see the way the bone shone in the sunlight as Ruby sat down, tears making an appearance in her eyes. Kohana and TK shook their heads sadly, one biting their lip to suppress the need to cry as the other did the opposite. This left Yash burying his face in his hands as the fact that one of his best friends died echoed in his mind. I however looked at it with a cold sense of awe, as if this was a science lesson and our teacher decided to show us what the human body really looks like. No pictures, no effects done by movies and shows. Nothing artificial.

And that's the surprising thing. I would have expected myself to weep or at least shed a tear or two, I would have never thought that I would find it so... Intriguing.

His scarlet blood had dried up showing tracks of the path it took. The sand beneath his body was soaked with blood and for some reason attracted a few spiders that didn't make Ellie scream. Which is quite strange as she has a massive fear for them... I decided not to question it as she's probably too depressed to freak out.

"C'mon guys, we should bury him." Said Michael, interrupting the silence. A few of us nodded and began digging a large enough hole in the sand where we placed Rikkie. We then moved on from his body, grief washing over our small group as we checked on little Maxie. His skin felt cold as ice and his heart was no longer beating. Although he didn't had any injuries present, it was obvious that he was dead.

We buried him too and once we were done with that TimTam grabbed our attention with his screaming.

"Ah! Ah!" He yelled out. We turned around to see him trying to stand up but failing as he fell down. His legs were twisted in various angles. Michael and Yash jogged over to their friend and helped him, both of them making sure that TimTam wasn't putting any weight on either of his legs.

"Where's Max and Rikhil?" TimTam asked as he surveyed the group.

"They're dead." I replied, surprising myself at how casual I sound.

"Oh..." Was all TimTam said as he once again looked at us. "So are you going to fix my legs up or what?"

"We ran out of supplies." Said Kohana. "There wasn't much left anyways."

"What? Stupid! Stupid! Why did you do that?!" TimTam demanded, annoyed. "You should have fixed me up first! I need those supplies more!"

"We weren't even sure whether you were alive or not." Lily pointed out

"However if he had woken up earlier than maybe we could have helped him with his little war wounds." I said as I felt anger coursing through my veins for some unknown reason.

"Maybe if you weren't all stupid then you could have helped me anyways!"

"You know... Now that I actually think about it there is a way we can lessen your pain." I replied, a dark thought entering my mind.


"How about we cut them off for you?" I asked, my voice sounding surprisingly dark as the need to punch him entered my stream of thought. I don't even know why.

"We're not cutting his legs off." Michael said, firmly.

"I'm just saying that it would be easier for him if we cut his legs off, he won't have to put up with the pain." I said.

TimTam opened his about to make a retort but Eleanor interrupted him before he could even do so. "Kate, we're not doing that. Just drop it."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Here I am, probably the main reason for why we are all here, freaking people out by saying we should amputate TimTam after we lost two of our friends. Considerate, Kate, very considerate.

"We should look around." Amy said, breaking the silence.

A few of us nodded, wanting to move away from the subject that was previously at hand.

"We'll set up camp here." Yash said. "And then we'll move tomorrow in the morning if you find some place."

"What are we going to do for food?" Kriti asks, just before we could go our separate ways.

"I think I saw a container floating near by, I'm pretty sure that has some food in it." Ellie said.

"If it doesn't then we can make some weapons and hunt." Kohana suggested.

"I guess I'll gather some materials then while we're in the forest, I'll make the weapons for all of us." Amy replied.

"Don't go too far." Michael said.

"We won't."

We turned and headed over to the forest, leaving the co behind to set up camp and to put up with TimTam's whinings.

It's funny how one small game of truth or dare could lead us to no boat, stranded, possibly no food at all, injuries and two deaths.

"I hope we'll get home soon." Eleanor said, the trees branching over us to provide some shade.

John voiced his agreement, "so do I."

Sixteen kids, three injured, two deaths, one island.

Let's see who survives.

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