Chapter 14

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I know my parents told me to wait here at home. But I'm worried about Idris. He kept talking like he might not come back. And now there are a bunch of patrols out and stuff. What if he gets arrested and he has to die locked up? That wouldn't be fair.

I want to find him. He should have taken me with. Maybe I could help him.

The thing is don't know how to find him. I know he wants to be a zombie, but that's it.

And Bash will be here soon and he won't let me do anything fun. So I am going to run away too.

When we walk through Tira, my dad tells me all about the city and all the different people we see. A few days ago, we saw some elves. And he said that elves were the best, most expensive assassins in the world. And that when hired to do a job they left no trace. I don't want to be caught looking for Idris, then I'd get in trouble. But I do want to find him. And if I find him, he'll get us both out of trouble he says he's good at that.

So all I have to do is find some elves and hire them to help me find Idris. I don't see anything wrong with this plan. I have the 200 dragmas my dad gave me, plus some more coins in my special sock in my room.

I gather my coins then get my cloak. I'll bring Idris home. Whether he wants to come or not.


"Okay so here's what we're gonna do----"

"Summon something!!!!"

"Maybe---don't get too excited---from what I can see from here, both of our parents got captured by patrols, there's one on every street corner, there's no way they made it past the bazaar," Willow and I are in a tree, one of the tall ones on the edge of the Fen, spying on Tira with my enchanted looking glass. It's not a forbidden object, just enchanted. I picked it up from the archives a couple of years ago in anticipation of Asha starting to run away to do stupid things like I did when I turned ten. As it turns out, she has better genetics and up till now has never vanished on us.

"Why are there that many patrols?" Willow asks, frowning.

"I don't know---they don't usually do this many, especially not during festival time. There must be a forbidden object that they detected in the City—if someone stole one from the archives, or a sorcerer made one," I say, frowning, "But even when I stole this glass---there weren't half that many patrols. No, this is something bigger. They're worried about the sorcerer who made it."

"We have to go find Asha---she could be in danger," Willow says.

"I don't think Asha's in danger," I think she could be the danger, if anything. And I don't want them catching her. Maybe that's why she was abandoned in the forest. To keep her safe from them.

"We still have to go find her, and mamma and papa are caught," Willow says.

"They'll get out fine, they always do," I say, "I'm worried about Asha. I don't see her."

"Please Jen!! We have to find her. She's our sister," Willow begs.

"Fine, we'll do something, but I'm not taking you into Tira," we can delay his first arrest as long as possible and I'm kind of wanted. I'm hardly going to take him in to Tira. And I don't want to leave him either---considering I don't know why they're so on edge---and he's related to all of us, he's likely to run. But I'm worried about Asha. What if they know what she is and they're looking for her? If that Imperial guard was referring to her---?

"What are we going to do?" Willow asks.

"Summon a djini, now climb down carefully."


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