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I woke up in the middle of the night positively starving.

I hadn't slept deeply and I was still aware of the absurd fact that I was in Tokyo, Japan. My sister was probably worried sick about me, not having heard from me all day. Or maybe two days had passed by now. I was still delirious as I stumbled around the hotel room, trying to turn things on.

I finally managed to turn on the TV, but I couldn't understand what was being said on the local news channel. I flipped the channel to a strange, rather salacious game show, also which I couldn't understand. I flipped the channel again and found NBC, yay for English!

I was highly envious of Adrian's ability to speak multiple languages.

I called down to see if I could order room service. Luckily the menu was on a little built-in computer with the option for many different languages. When I finally called to order a burger with a side of tempura-battered shrimp, the person who answered blessedly spoke English, if he did have a rather thick accent and seemed unduly amused at my dining choices. It was their menu!

The clock on the wall read 10:48pm and I wondered if Adrian was still awake. I had snooped around and found a closet, a mini-fridge, and the bathroom, of course, but there was one last door other than the exit.

I went to the door and knocked experimentally on the beautiful dark-stained wood.

To my surprise, the door opened a moment later and my employer stood there looking down his straight nose at me.


He was wearing casual clothes.

Of course, for him that meant designer jeans in a dark wash and a gray knit sweater with long sleeves that was probably made out of real wool or something. It looked both comfortable and expensive as it clung to his trim but muscular physique.

His eyes dropped down my body and I blushed even more powerfully as I remembered that I was still sporting my red rayon pajamas that had been left out for me. At least they were baggy and modest.

"Did you rest well?" He asked me with threads of subtle amusement running through his tone.

"I-I did." I stepped back, inviting him into my suite.

He sighed and stepped past me into the room. I had already learned that I could control him in some aspects if I capitalized on his good breeding; he was a diehard gentleman, basically.

"Have you found everything to your liking?" He asked me with mock civility, glancing around my room.

"I have, though I would've appreciated you telling me that we were coming to freakin' Tokyo so that, I don't know, I could've packed, or told my sister that I was leaving the country, or bring my passport! What if something happened to me; I got arrested or something? I would get in serious trouble for not having my passport on me!"

Adrian cocked his head and looked at me as if he thought I was being hysterical. "I should hope you behave yourself well enough not to get arrested, Ms. Mathers. However, let me assure you, if something...unexpected or unfortunate were to happen to you, that I would be able to take care of it and get you home safely. You have my word that you will always be taken care of in my employ, Ms. Mathers."

I studied his face and felt my breathing slowly even out. I believed him.

I nodded, biting my lip thoughtfully. "Okay, great. Well, I'd still like to tell my sister that I'm here, but I don't exactly have roaming minutes-"

"Here, use mine." He handed me his phone. "I'm done with it for tonight anyway."

Deflated, I took the device from him. "Oh. Thanks. Do you mind if I download a few apps on it?"

He looked at me curiously and I blushed.

"Or a few books?"

"Sure, I don't care." He decided, but the way he was looking at me made me think he'd never had a PA even dare ask that before.

But I also doubted that everyone got dragged off to Tokyo on their second day.

"Well, unless there's anything else...?"

"N-no, I guess not..."

"Well, then. Goodnight again, Ms. Mathers." He shut the door between us as he retreated to his own suite and I considered locking the door behind him, then decided that would just be silly. No way would Adrian barge in on me.

I took his phone to bed to wait for my food to arrive. I immediately set about downloading Bubble Buster and a few other games I enjoyed before composing a text to my sister. Luckily I knew her number by heart.

'Hey sis, crazy day at the office.'

That was a wild understatement.

'Tell you all about it tomorrow. How r the kiddos?' I concluded.

I checked the world clocks and while it was 11pm here now, it was 10am in Chicago.

I got a message back from her a few minutes later. I was going about entering her as a contact in amongst Adrian's address book on his iPhone.

'Eve?' She replied. 'What number is this?'

'Sorry!' I swiftly texted back. 'Yeah it's me, just using Adrian's phone.' I blushed as I realized how this sounded.

'Oh I see!' I heard back from her a moment or so later. 'Things on the job going well then?'

I rolled my eyes and assured her over text that he wasn't privy to this conversation.

'I see!' She said again. 'That close to the boss already huh?' She then asserted.

'No! It's not like that at all!'

'My, my! Sounds like u have a lot 2 tell me in person! Dinner Fri. afternoon?'

'Yeah, sounds good!' I happily texted back.

My food arrived a few minutes later and I settled in to watch the weird, perverted game show while I ate. Not long after I had eaten the last tempura shrimp, I lapsed back into a dreamless sleep.


Thanks for reading!

Special thanks to Mr. J for helping me figure out time differences! A million kisses, sorry I'm so terminally blonde!


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