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We got back to the privacy of our booth and we had a moment to have "adult talk" as Ty went to browse the snack bar.

"You have a son?!" I demanded of Adrian in a harsh whisper. "Like...he's your real son?!"

Adrian slid his hands into his pockets and I saw him exhale as he began to frown down at me. "Yes, clearly, I have a son. And yes, believe me, I secured a proper DNA test straight away. He's my son." There was a definite edge of pride to his voice now, as well as defensiveness.

I glanced over at the little boy who was eying a crab cake with a dubious expression.

"He's adorable." I said, exhaling long and slow. My tone was gentler now. "How old is he?"

Adrian's posture visibly relaxed.

This meant a lot to him; I could only imagine. I was flattered that he had chosen to introduce me to his son, which was clearly a state secret.

"He's eight." Adrian answered. "His full name is Damian Ty Buchanan-Kingsley. His mother insists on calling him Ty."

I bit my lip. "And-and his mother...?"

"We were married. Briefly."

This cut through me like a blade fresh out of the furnace, searing my insides.

"Oh. Wow." I murmured. "I had no idea..."

Adrian snorted softly. "I paid good money to make it that way. I wanted my son, and his mother, to have their privacy. And as you learned last night, putting him in the public eye would only make him a potential target."

I swallowed, my gaze returning to the darling eight year old boy. The thought of anything happening to him was sickening.

"If Tiffany had any idea what happened last night...I would probably never see him again." Adrian sighed heavily. "Hell, maybe that would be for the best." He ran his hand back through his short, dark hair.

I closed my eyes for a moment and just tried to breathe.

I knew the relevant thing here was the kid's safety, and yet all I could think about was Tiffany.

Tiffany Buchanan.

They had been married?

Moreover, had a child together. She must still be important to him.

I knew I had no right to feel this much pain, but it was killing me; the thought of him being in love with some woman, some woman who wasn't me.

His phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down at it to find that my hand was shaking like a leaf.

And it was Tiffany Buchanan calling. No picture was attached to her caller ID.

"Tiffany is calling." I said, feeling numb.

He took the phone from my hand and turned away. "Hello."

God, just that one word managed to hurt me, because it was him, talking to her.

I opened my eyes from another long blink to find Damian Ty Buchanan-Kingsley standing there, staring up at me.

"Oh. Hey there, kiddo." I said faintly. "Need something?"

"Do you like horses?" He asked me very seriously, as he munched on a cheese stick wrapped in prosciutto.

"Yes, I love all animals. Well, maybe not salamanders."

He chuckled at this. He was about the same age as my nephew, Ronald, so at least I had a general point of reference on how to talk to him.

"Do you like horses?" I prompted him.

"No!" He answered decisively. "They're big and scary."

"Horses are gentle." I countered. "They eat grass and are easily frightened. They're just big muscly cowards, really."

This made him grin and he seemed to consider. "Alright, I guess I'll watch the race. If you say so." He narrowed those big blue eyes of his at me and I smiled helplessly down at him.

God, he was cute with his little upturned nose and his dimples.

He sidled past me to the edge of the railing to peer out and down at the racetrack.

A moment later the horses flew by and I noticed how he jumped when I came to stand at his side. I bumped his shoulder with my hip and he looked up at me sharply.

"Horses are scary!" He insisted.

I merely smiled.

This reaction seemed to surprise him and he pursed his lips as he frowned up at me. He seemed to want or expect a more dramatic response from me.

"What are you afraid of?" He demanded of me.

"Uhm...bankruptcy, mostly. Being homeless. Being mugged...getting cancer. Leprosy."

He blinked up at me with huge blue eyes and I bit my lip as I realized I had probably said too much.

"Ty, buddy?" Adrian said, rejoining us, still on the phone. "Your mom wants to talk to you."

Ty sighed.

I smiled and smoothed my hand down his head of unruly curls. He gave me a smile then, it seemed to both surprise and please him; this attention from me.

I honestly hadn't even thought about it, it was just something I was always doing to my nephew, who was about the same height and had a similar head of unruly brown curls as Ty.

Adrian was watching me and I blushed and went to grab myself another mimosa. I deserved it after the huge shock I'd just survived.

Ty took the phone from his father and wandered away to talk to his mother.

Adrian was hovering, I found when I turned back from the drink bar. It reminded me of how his son had been hovering near me just a moment ago, watching me with those same keenly intelligent blue eyes.

"You're good with him." Adrian said. "He usually hates people. He's bitten nannies before, and most people he just refuses to look at or speak to. He even let you touch him."

I shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable, and took a sip of my drink. "Kids and animals like me, what can I say? I just have a good heart."

He studied me with all seriousness and I lost my smile. "Yes, you do. I trusted you with the secret of my son, Eve, because you have more than proven yourself. You risked your life to protect me last night, that's not something I take lightly."

My cheeks predictably started to heat. "Oh. That-that was nothing. Just-just doin' my job." I chuckled nervously and finished my drink off in one last go.

He smirked down at me.

Luckily his son returned just then with the phone and I was saved temporarily from my fluster.

Adrian took the phone from his son and handed it back to me. "What say you we all go get some lunch?"

Both Ty and I were in enthusiastic agreement on that.


Oh no! The child has a mother! The true threat indeed, eh?

Hope you're enjoying the story so far, my sweet Minions!

Happy spoOky season and stay safe!


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