Chapter 4 - Revelations

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Peeta woke up to a noisy vibrating sound that was coming from the bed table on the left. Still dazed and tired, he blinked several times with his eyes, which had a tough time adapting to the bright light coming through the two big windows.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and grabbed his phone from the table.
He unlocked the lock-screen and first of all took a look at the clock. To Peeta's surprise it was 11:30PM, he didn't expect to sleep so tight.
A smile graced Peeta's face as soon as he remembered the last night and thought of the date he'd have with Cato later that day.

When Peeta checked his phone he noticed that he had missed about ten calls and got thousands of text messages from Katniss, asking where he'd been and if he was alright. By the hectic of yesterday's night, he completely forgot to tell them where he'd gone.
Peeta checked the missed-calls list and noticed that the last call from Katniss was two minutes ago, so he decided to call her back.

Peeta typed in Katniss' number and after a few seconds he already heard the tonewait from the other side. After a few more callsigns someone finally picked up.

"Peeta! It's you, oh my god finally! How are you, is everything alright? I was so worried, where did u go?" Katniss asked, her excitement clearly audible.

"Slow down, Katniss." Peeta chuckled. "Let me explain it to you."

"Yeah, it better be a good explanation." Katniss said with a more serious tone in her voice.

"It is. So hold on." Peeta said. "Last night, when you were planning to play pin-the-bottle and I went into the kitchen to get something to drink I met Marvel there and… well … something happened which made Marvel one of the reasons why I wanted to leave. Then I also started feeling very sick and dazed so I had to catch some air and…"

"Wait! What did Marvel do that made you wanna leave?" Katniss insisted.

"Th-that doesn't really matter, j- just… when I went outside of the house I kind of broke down on the sidewalk because of my nauseous feeling and I tried to regain my consciousness when out of a sudden Cato came from behind and tapped on my shoulder…"
Peeta decided not to tell Katniss the whole thing about Marvel; that boy was definitely drunk and unknown about what he did, so why should Peeta build up any unnecessary stress?

"Who… Cato?! Really?"

"Yea sorta, but well let me finish… , so… he was super caring and he demanded to walk me home because I felt so bad. When we walked home we…"

"Wait … he walked you home? So you two were alone the whole time? Peeta, am I right with what I'm thinking?" Katniss asked with a playful tone.

Peeta could feel himself blush but he ignored Katniss' question. "Uhm Wait… so we kind of um… well we… I don't know, we got to know each other more and Cato is so much more than everyone thinks. HE HAS feelings and he is really sensitive and… well; when we arrived at my house and stood in front of the door, h-he w-well…he…"
Peeta could feel himself blush heavily and he started to stutter.

"He did what? What?!" Katniss almost screamed.

"He… he well, I don't know how you'll feel towards it and I never told anyone about my feelings so…"

"Peeta, just say it! What did Cato do?"

"He... Cato kissed me, but…" Peeta stopped as Katniss' shrill voice already interrupted him.

"I knew it! I just knew it!" Katniss said and her laughter came through the telephone line.

"Wait, what did you know?" Peeta asked.

"You were always defending Cato when there was no reason for and the way you stared at him and talked about him, I knew you had something for him! It was so obvious!"

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