Chapter 2: Mitsuki Bakugo I

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Nana: "Mmhhhh! Aaahh...."

Nana Shimura moaned wetly in happiness as she withdrew her lips from Y/n's stunned face.

The teenage boy was still buck naked like she was and still docked with her in this compromising position. The softness of her legs curling around his thighs tickled him pleasantly, the same can be said for her large breasts squishing up against his chest. All of these sensational distractions kept his mind from thinking about what sort of bizarre higher power triggered the event of him having sex with Japan's most famous hero.

That is until she smacked him awake with a tap of her finger.

Y/n: "Ah! I'm awake."

Deku yelped and heard her giggle as she held a strand of her dark hair in front of him being offered.

Nana: "I know I'm dreamy, but no need to space out now, N/n-darling. I want you to take this power of mine; One For All. And follow your dream to become a hero as you wanted, it's yours now."

Nana repeated making him stare dumbly at her as he took the strand from her fingers wondering about 'One For All'.

Y/n: "I...I don't know what to say, but...can you tell me all about it? I don't understand anything right now; how we had sex, why you're giving me this power, or that Quirks can be given to people."

He answered with uncertainty clear in his voice.

Nana cradled her chin nodding in agreement and contemplating how to explain the whole story to him. Meanwhile, Inko had gotten up from her post-coital slump against the hallway and quietly left before she could be spotted. Her face was beet red from watching her son have intense sex with the famous superhero Gal-Might, but she was even more embarrassed with herself for having masturbated to it. She couldn't figure out why she did it or why she visualized herself in that woman's place. All she could do right now is tiptoe away and try to act like she just came in through the front door.

Nana: "Well, now that I think about it, I believe we should wait on this power, but not too long."

Nana decided and hugged an arm around Y/n's head pulling him up close to where their noses touched. She wiggled hers into his affectionately smiling wide with happiness as she did so.

Nana: "I'll explain to you why, but first a story about a sacred Quirk that stocks power that came from the age of Quirks first appearing in the world. After that, we'll head to a special place of mine to do some working out. You're already in shape, but I need you packing muscles if you're going to handle One For All and become a hero."

Y/n: "G-Gal-Might....I don't know what to say....t-thank you!"

Y/n blurted out feeling teary-eyed until she smacked him again causing him to stop.

Nana: "No crying, this is a happy moment, Y/n darling."

Nana said cupping his chin and pulling him into another sweet loving kiss.

Y/n was still unsure whether or not them being together like lovers wouldn't involve some sort of scandal. He was underage technically and she was a world-famous hero, but deep inside of him he knew he had to love her as she loved him. He pulled himself further into the embrace wrapping his arms around her neck as their lips squished together in a warm intimate embrace.

Inside his body, however, the dark part of the 'Absolute Devotion' Quirk throbbed like a kindle fire. It yearned for more and knew of other susceptible attractive females within the immediate area.

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