Chapter 3: Itsuka Kendo I

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Y/n: M-M-Mom....?!

Y/n shouted out in a whisper as he saw his mother feverishly work her nether lips onto the vibrating sex toy wiggling inside of her soaked folds. He didn't know what to think at this moment, only that he couldn't take his eyes off of it, off of her. Both of her hands reached down and grabbed the large vibrating phallus and drove it deeper making her elicit a loud pleasurable shriek then calling out his name once again making him blush redder than a tomato.

Y/nI have no idea how to process this! She's calling out my name, of all things and people while doing this! I-I....why can't I take my eyes away from it!?

 Y/n thought feeling his erection rise through his pants forming an imprint of a large penis against the fabric.

Seeing Inko drive the toy inside of her cunt over and over again was hypnotic and Y/n felt like he had no idea what to do. Thoughts of going over there and surprising her as well as seducing did flash through his mind, but he quickly waived those off immediately while struggling to control his rising urges.

Y/nNo no no no no! Bad Y/n! She's your mother for crying out loud! I mean, s-sure she's beautiful, in shape, and has a nice wide plump but-snap out of it!

Y/n smacked himself creating a small slapping noise that made Inko wince when she heard it. Silently panicking and quietly stepping away from the doorway Y/n discreetly made his way back to his room before Inko had a chance to see him watching her.

The single mother and sexually repressed woman turned her head and saw nothing in the doorway looking at her. Perking an eyebrow in confusion she thankfully snapped out of her lust-induced state and walked up nakedly to go and close the door.

Inko: Sigh....maybe I was just hearing things. Y/n being there watching me would've certainly been a surprise alright, maybe a nice one...

She trailed off as she placed her forehead into the door surface in thought. A fierce blush crossed her delicate features when the image of her son watching reached her mind. Inko stammered furiously and became awkward for a moment, suddenly she went into a muttering habit that Y/n often displays and bounced off of the door to go and take a shower.

Her naked body was wet with perspiration and her folds were sensitive with the earlier masturbation session she had with herself. She didn't want to entertain the idea that she was picturing her son being behind her ramming his large length directly into her womanly area making her feel absolute pleasure for the first time in years. Inko grabbed a towel and turned on the water letting it run as she sat down over the tub's rim thinking about her former husband, Y/n's father, leaving her just a few years prior.

She slumped her shoulders with a sigh and stood up to marvel at her body in the bathroom mirror seeing her shape maintained with a fit slim beauty in mind.

InkoWhy did he leave me? Was I just not good enough? Was work all that more important to him in the end? Hmmm.

Inko thought somberly as she examined herself in the mirror. Her waist was nice and slender like Mitsuki's with hips wide and in shape giving her a bit of an hourglass figure. Her breasts, while not as large as Gal-Might's when she saw her having sex with her son, were still decently firm and adequately large as a modest D-cup. She hugged her arms over her head wondering if she was still found beautiful.

InkoI wonder what Y/n would think if I asked him.

She pondered and blushed brightly again thinking of her son as she had frequently done ever since seeing him in that room with that heroic woman.

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