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"Take the next left...."

"Guard your right...."

"7 heading down the hall ahead... "

Following the instructions to the letter swiftly, she moved across the building. Training for years built her physic and trusting her comrades made her strong.

"Be alert everyone!! She's still just a woman!!" shouted one of the 7 soldiers standing in her path.

A smirk appeared on her face half covered face and in the blink of an eye, 7 soldiers laid on the floor with slit necks or bullet holes.

"It's down the hallway to the right. Maybe guarded inside." said a female voice on the ear-piece. She swiftly moved in and secured the control room of the building. Placing multiple pen drives onto the system, then quickly escaped, following the instructions. It took another 15 minutes to be out of the building. A car drove up just in time to pick her.

"Nice work Ghost, as usual." said the driver, a train technician who was well trained in pyrotechnics and had a very well build body, with a rather charming smile. "You could have called for me you know, we are a team." He said as he handed over a switch to her, driving off.

"That's why I didn't call for you. You had your own orders, Bomb."

With a smirk on his face, he nodded his head and she clicked the switch. That set of a chain reaction around the building they had just left, bringing it down to rubble in minutes.


" Great job guys. That was a clean take-down." A man said in front of a group of four, including Bomb and Ghost. "We are deciphering the codes as we speak and soon we'll have the location to Slain. For that, we'll need everyone of you. So rest up. And that does NOT mean workout. Ghost, I'm looking at you."

"a- y-yes Boss."

After Boss left the room, a man came over to Ghost and said, "Better not sneak into gym again Jules... He's definitely serious this time."

"yeah... Well, see you later, Snipe." Sensing something, she tried to avoid any conversation with him and wanted to head for the door but was blocked by the man.

"I need you to come with me first." He said with a stern voice. "And I'm not taking any excuses." With that, he starting to walk, indicating her to follow. And reluctantly, Ghost followed.

Bomb had heard everything and knowing exactly what Snipe wanted, he decided to eavesdrop. But he was not he only one. The fourth woman in the room also went with him.

Snipe and Ghost went to Snipe's room. The moment Ghost closed the door behind her, Snipe engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. "Dammit Jules... You recovered from a gun shot, just a week ago... And you went to the field! What-... Why....?? How desperate are you?!"

"Kevin- I-I cant- breath-" she managed to say tapping his strong arms. One could not tell by looking at him because of his rather baggy clothes but this man did some serious training to get to this shape.

"Ah- Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yes." She said, catching her breath. "And I'm very desperate Kevin. I cannot continue this for much longer, you know that. And if that means I need to get to field even just a day after I'm released, then I'll just have to make sure I don't end up in a hospital in the first place."

"But this is crazy! They sent you on three solo missions back-to-back which landed you shot... and now this mission... And they will send you in again in another few hours! You will break if this continues!" He said, trying to hold back the overwhelming feeling to simply protect what was in front of him.

Kevin had known Jules for 8 years now and he knew she was one of the strongest in the team, physically and mentally. But he also knew her to be reckless and stubborn and that terrified him. Jules wanted to retire but the system didn't want to loose a soldier like her. So she had made a deal that till the age of 33 she will be part of this team and  go for any and all missions. But after that she WILL retire. Head commander agreed to this after a lot of discussions with the entire team. This was 2 years ago, which meant Jules had to do this reckless work for another 3 years. But seeing how much they worked her, Kevin wondered if she would even survive that long...

"What? You think I can't do it?" she said with her signature smirk, which slowly turned into a soft smile. "I understand your concern and I truly appreciate it Kevin, but I can handle this. Given the hell I come from this is a piece of cake. And besides I'm not alone. I have you guys, don't I? So I'll be alright and after another 1000 days I will go out of here, riding my own bike. Okay?" He could not say anything but give a small nod with a pained face. Knowing nothing she said would make thing better, she smiled and went to the door. As she left, she said, "And be ready for some tear-jerking heart-breaking goodbye speech!"

"Like you want us to cry as you leave..." he said, though he wasn't sure if she heard him or not.

Bomb and the woman came out from the next room, which was Bomb's and went to Kevin's. "You okay?" Bomb asked.

"Yeah... Not like I can do anything..."

"You could confess?" said the woman.

"I will not do that C, you know that. Even if the situation was not as grim as this, this job does not allow such romance. Besides, that's not how she sees me and it's obvious. No matter what we do in field, it's not real."

With that everyone was left speechless for a while. They all knew it was true. Jules saw them as family members rather than a team and loved each of them but that love was never going to be romantic for anyone, no matter what they had to pretend while on field. And knowing her, they did not want to force her to stay in this work line. Helpless, Bomb and C bid farewell and went to their rooms, leaving Kevin with his thoughts and broken heart.

Till the mission called for them.


Characters and their strengths:

Jules (Ghost): 30 years old; reckless powerhouse;can extract deep rooted information via any mean necessary; strong combatant; great with blades and hand gun.

Mike (Bomb): 30 years old; calm, in field prompt planner; powerhouse; strong technician; great hand to hand combatant.

Kevin (Snipe): 29 years old; best at infiltration and persuading to give information, silver-tongue; sniper; great control of any form of gun ; strong combatant.

Bonnie (C): 29 years old; disguise into anyone irrespective of gender, silver-tongue; strong combatant; great with any gun; can drive any vehicle in air, land or water.

Catherine (Pearl): 34 years old; hacker, software specialists; can decode in the blink of an eye; relatively better at long range fights.

Andrew (Boss): 35 years old; team leader; tactician and mathematician; defense specialists; can handle almost all weapon decently.

Dr. Dean (D): 50 years old; team doctor and forensic expert; can work under any circumstances; oldest but not the most mature.

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