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1:00 am

Jules' body was numb from crying, still against her door frame. The apartment she loved seemed so empty, and felt cold. And for the first time in long, long time, she wanted someone with her. Someone who understood her well. Someone who cared and she cared for. Someone she had come to trust. Someone particular.

But she couldn't allow herself that satisfaction. Not yet. She needed to get things done. She pulled herself up, body hurting from staying on floor for so long.

She looked at her phone, 4 chats, 34 messages. She didn't bother with any, except one with only one message.

Reached safely
[11:45 am]

Without replying, she went to freshen herself, wearing some dark clothes with leather jacket.

'Golden Casino roof. 2am.'

She took out her helmet from top shelf, gathered her laptop, some documents from the locker along and some keys, packed them in a backpack and left the place at 1:25 am.

She walked to the back of the building where there was a covered bike. She took off the cover and rode off.

2 am; Golden Casino roof top:

Jules stood at the edge, looking at the city from the 100th floor. Cooling and preparing herself for whatever was coming her way. She was a little early but knowing Raiders, they were probably around watching her.

"Look's like you still got it." Kevin spoke, standing behind her. It was true. He did watch her make her way to the roof top.

"You are lucky you are an asset. Otherwise you'd be dead."Jules said coldly without turning around.

He wasn't surprised. He did cross a line. He was ashamed and there was no justification to it. Bowing his head low, he said, "C was undercover when she was found out and captured." This turned Jules around, looking dead into his eyes. "We can't say how but a video came to office showing her captured. Andrew took the case and when we found that place, there was a message on floor, written in Bonnie's blood: 'Get Ghost back in this Game.' We don't know if these people know you. Obviously C did not say anything. But if they know you... It'd be better if you stay with us."

Jules stayed quiet. She had to do everything to safe Bonnie, she was family. But going back meant going to a cold, merciless, painful place where deceptions and lies is everyday live style. It meant leaving everything normal she made and had, behind. Things may escalate to the point where she'd have to disappearing from their lives entirely. Leave Sebastián. But then staying meant endangering every single one of the Raiders, especially Bonnie. Not to mention, if these people knew who Ghost was, then the danger was on everyone in Rise and Sebastián as well.

Seeing her silence, Kevin continued. "We need Ghost back."


2:30 am; Raider's hideout:

Ghost was back. She sat in the meeting room, as if she had never left. There were a couple of new faces but that did not bother her. New faces are not something new. She just had to get Bonnie out. That's it.

"Does HQ know that I'm here?" She asked.

"No. That's against policy." Boss answered.

"Great. So what do you need me to do?"

"We got this message 18 days ago and we are investigating it. We 90% know for sure that they are still in town. So we're trying to get some lead. Best before they know that you are back or try to torture C any more. Whoever these people are must be linked with one of your previous cases. So for now, get in shape and search through your files to find some leads."

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