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It had been about a month since Jules had regained her consciousness. Her arm was still in a case and she had to use clutches to walk. While she was healthy, walking was still a trouble. So her movements were largely restricted. As such, Sebastian or her nurse dotted around her.

Rose, the nurse had taken her job too far as she basically worked as a butler for the 9 hours of her work time, while Sebastian was at office. A nurse who had to only take care of Jules physically, went around the house to make sure that laundry was done and cleaned the house. She was sent by the SDD so there was no need to doubt but this was too much. Sebastian was worse. He didn't take rest when he returned home from office. Rather, soon after dismissing the nurse, he started working on food. And then after eating, he took care of all the dishes. She had asked him to keep a helper but he didn't want to risk her. As much as the work was appropriated, Jules was not enjoying it.

"Madam, its time for lunch." Rose said as she brought warmed food to her room. Jules ate quietly while holding a book in hand. She was fed her lunch by Rose while Sebastian fed her dinner. Breakfast was fed by one or the other, which ever had the opportunity.

These days were initially a bit frustrating to Jules. Being one who was always occupied with something or another, having everything done was... confusing. Eventually she found several books to read and anime to watch. She found fascination on learning about the various places she wanted to travel to.

As for Rise, Mina came to give a rough report every weekend. Accordingly, Mr. Merzik had returned to his post and was teaching. Other teachers were doing over time to cover for Jules's prolonged leave. They had all come to visit her over the weekend the days, each finding it difficult to believe what Jules had supposedly been through.

To be asked questions, restricted movement, spoon fed all meals, house work all done, depending for everything... These were things that Jules had never experienced, nor expected to see in this lifetime. But they were still things, she could find a way to live with. That's what she always did and this was only temporary. What was the most troublesome was Sebastian.

It had been a month of them living together but nothing happened. Of course she was injured, so stress was not good for her but he could have spoken at least ones. There was so much to tell him, so much he didn't know and every time Jules started to even hint towards the topic, he found a way out to completely derail it to take it elsewhere. And Jules was running out of patience.

Soon after lunch, Rose left her with her book and thoughts. At around 6, Sebastian came back from office and dismissed Rose for the day.

"Hey Jules, had a good day?" He asked as he came into her room. The man looked exhausted but he wore that reassuring smile like it was nothing.

"Same old, same old..." sighed Jules, placing her book aside. The two did not share a room, so she had a room to herself. Their rooms were on two sides of the house, so she'd have to shout to call him. But her room was closer to the kitchen. "How was your day?"

He came and sat by her. "Fine I guess..." He sounded defeated and that was expected of the overworking man. But he continued to smile. "What would you like for dinner?"

She stayed silent for some time before she answered. "Can we order in tonight?"

He thought for a second and then replied as he took out his phone. "Alright. What do you want to have?"

"Whatever you choose."

"hmm' kay." They scanned through the app and found what they wanted to eat. "Great. Food will be here in about an hour. I'll go freshen up. 'kay?" She nodded in acceptance and he left her room.

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