Issa Ilusyunada
by twelveounces
Fantasy & Romance & Action | Filipino
1st Person LimitedI'll send you links for blurb writing
❂ QUESTIONS AND LACK OF DETAILS - You knew this was coming. Your blurb is just a bunch of questions that make up no actual reason for me to read it. It does not evoke any form of interest for me to open up your work and read it.
It doesn't even have a conflict. Without it, I don't know what to expect from your work. Please, give us an idea of what is going to happen.
You also need to have stakes. Give us a consequence of the choices she makes. Without it, your blurb has no impact.
VOYAGER: a review book [HIATUS]
De Todoi will read your work, write a review, and hope you consider my advice. 5th cabin [Summer 2023] - 3 slots